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Stratford 1886 Commercial Trade Directory

History of Stratford in 1886

Stratford 1886 Commercial Traders index

The nature of Stratford and its population rise leads me to split the indexes of the Commercial Traders for 1886 into individual pages, roughly alphabetical.

Commercial  Traders

Sackett Arthur, zinc & tin plate worker, 92 High Street
Sadler Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 91 Buxton Road
St James Church of England Public Elementary School (Rev Alfred Henry Donovan MA), St James’ Road
St John’s Home for Friendless Girls & St John’s Refuge for Fallen Girls (Mrs Marian Cooper, lady supt), 29 & 31 Stratford Green
St Mary of Egypts Home (Miss Sophia Ingersole, superioress), Water Lane
Saker George Alfred, plumber & gas fitter, Western Street, Martin Street
Sallnow William, haberdasher, 83 Vicarage Lane
Sampson John, beer retailer, 222 High Street
Sanders Henry & Co, grocers & tea dealers & agents for W & A Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants, 121a Leytonstone Road & wine merchants, 46 Broadway
Sanders & Co, builders, Dunmow Road
Sanders Henry, watch maker, 3 Martin Street
Sargent Rebecca (Mrs), greengrocer, 122 Henniker Street, New Town
Saunders Henry, purveyor of cats meat, 32 Leyton Road
Saunders John, Engineers Arms PH, 17 Alma Street
Saunders Joseph, dining rooms, 39 Leyton Road
Savage George & Son, house decorators, 145 Leytonstone Road
Savill Brothers, brewers, Leytonstone Road ; stores, 48a Great Cumberland Place, Marble Arch W & Enfield
Saward John, butcher, 102 Broadway
Saward John, paperhanging warehouse, 156 The Grove
Sayer Caroline (Mrs), saddler, 292 High Street
Sayer Mary Ann (Mrs), news agent, 39 Leytonstone Road
Scammell John, confectioner, 25 Chapel Street
Scammell Charles, butcher, 160 Major Road, New Town
Scales Robert H, bicycle & tricycle depot, 18 Romford Road
Schleicher Otto, oil & grease manufacturer, Warton Road
Schlosser Henry, beer retailer, 33 High Street
Schmidt Conrad William (F A Glaeser), varnish & japan manufacturer, Carpenters Road
Scott Wm Thos & Co, Crown Sulphur Works, Marshgate lane
Scott Alfred, stationer, 41 Broadway
Scoulding William, hair dresser, 29 Martin Street
Scowen Arthur, fishmonger, Great eastern Road
Scrine John, grocer, 348 Romford Road
Sedgwick George Alfred, solicitor & vestry clerk & returning officer for the borough of West Ham, Town Hall
Self Jeremiah, clerk to the school & burial boards, 69 The Grove
Sexton John, baker, 97 Vicarage Lane
Sharp Edward, tobacconist, 42 Chapel Street
Sharp Robert, dairyman & cow keeper, 21 Chapel Street
Shaw Harriet (Mrs), shopkeeper, 43 Buxton Road
Shaw John, greengrocer, 70 Angel Lane, Broadway
Shea Joseph, rag & metal merchant, 333 High Street
Shean Caroline (Mrs), boat builder, High Street
Shearmur Francis, coffee rooms, 107 Angel Lane
Sheldrake Albert, brass founder, Frederick Street, Martin Street
Sheldrake William, coffee rooms, 107 High Street
Shepherd Albert, greengrocer, 346 Romford Road
Shepherd John, brass founder, 63 Carpenters Road & Warton Road
Sheppard James George, whip maker, 304 High Street
Sherman James, assistant turncock, 34 Waddington Road
Shervill John, shopkeeper, 97 High Street
Sherwell Henry, coach builder, 89 Leytonstone Road
Sherwin Matthew Hy Wm, pianoforte tuner, 13 Ferns Road
Shimwell & Co , manufacturers of patent rolled large tin & terne sheets, Bridge Road
Siebert John Hy, baker, 17 Buckingham Road, Forest Lane
Siggers Daniel, greengrocer, 172 Henniker Road, New Town
Sills William, glove manufacturer, 216 Chobham Road
Sim Richard, baker, collector of Queen’s taxes, Church Street ward, 5 Ham Frith Road
Simes Richard G, grocer, 387 High Street
Simmons George Layton, draper, 164 Chobham Road
Simmons William, gas fitter, 4 Martin Street
Simpson James, tailor, 39 Broadway
Simpson Lewis, hair dresser, 3 Creetown Terrace, Crownfield Road
Singer Manufacturing Co (Fredk Sidwell, manager), sewing machine ma, 45 Broadway
Single Arthur, auctioneer, estate agent & surveyor, 83 The Grove
Single George, confectioner, 170 The Grove
Sippitt Thomas Henry & Co, auctioneers etc, 148 The Grove
Sivell John, provision stores, 162 Chobham Road
Skelton Rd & sons MRCVS, veterinary surgeons, 18 Maryland Road
Skipp Rayner J, shopkeeper, Great eastern Road
Slater & Palmer, printing ink manufacturers, Marshgate Lane
Slater Henry John, beer retailer, 302 High Street
Slater James, beer retailer, 23 Leytonstone Road
Slinn William Henry, engineer, Marshgate Lane
Smith Brothers, grocers, 16 & 18 Broadway
Smith Brothers, undertakers, 159 Chobham Road
Smith Bros & Co, tar & grease manufacturers, Marshgate Lane
Smith Eleanor & Elizabeth (Misses), fancy repository, 65 Leytonstone Road
Smith Arthur, beer retailer, Windmill Lane
Smith Augustus, brush manufacturer, Marshgate Lane
Smith Charles C, corn merchant, Harrow Bridge House, High Street
Smith Elliot, confectioner, 93 Angel Lane
Smith Frederick, corn merchant, 312 High Street & granary, Wharf Road
Smith George, butcher, 93 Vicarage Lane
Smith George Thomas, house decorator, 25 High Street
Smith James, beer retailer, 395 High Street
Smith James, leather seller, 399 High Street
Smith John Moore, architect & surveyor, Rokeby House, Broadway
Smith Thomas, inspector of nuisances to West Ham local board, Town Hall
Smith William, confectioner, 54 Manbey Road
Soar Alfred, tailor, 53 Broadway
Solomon Henry, picture frame maker, 197 Leytonstone Road
Sorrell Thomas, engineer, 90 Chapel Street
South Essex & West Ham Liberal Club (Hugh W Reeves, sec), 105 The Grove
Spackman George, shopkeeper, Janson Road
Spencer William, hair dresser, 13 Abbey Lane
Spiller Henry, baker, 7 Devonport Terrace, High Street
Spinks Thomas Edwin, hair dresser, 11 Leyton Road, New Town
Spooner William, beer retailer, 61 Albert Square, Forest Lane
Spragg Augustus Chas, oil & color man, 9 Globe Crescent , Forest Lane
Spratt Leslie, Milliner, 128 The Grove
Spratt Leslie William, linen draper, 92 Broadway & baby linen warehouse, 128 The Grove
Springall John, engineer, Harrow Bridge iron works, High Street
Sproul William Henry & Co, coal merchants, High Street, Stratford Bridge; depot, Stratford Market, Railway Station
Staines George, baker & beer retailer, 34 Chant Square
Stapley Andrew, boiler maker, Sugar House Lane
Starkey Charles William, shopkeeper, 33 Angel Lane
Stearn Alfred, auctioneer, 8 Richmond Gardens, Romford Road
Stebbing Emily (Mrs), grocer, 324 High Street
Stedall Edward, mantle maker, 196 The Grove
Steedman David, baker, 199 Leytonstone Road
Steel John, van & cart builder, 125 High Street
Sterling Boot Manufacturing Co (The), 24 Broadway
Stevenson William, grocer, 196 Crownfield Road
Stibbard Martha (Mrs), stay maker, 127 The Grove
Still James, Lord Napier PH, 29 Abbey Lane
Stimson Frederick, baker, 265 High Street
Stock Thomas Samuel, provision dealer, 15 Buckingham Street
Stock William, book seller, stationer & post office, 288 Romford Road
Stockdale Alfred Robert, boot & shoe maker, 4 Leyton Road, New Town & 4 Stanton Terrace, Crownfield Road
Stockdale Charles, harness maker, 375 High Street
Stockdale Edwin, printer etc, 62 Leytonstone Road
Stocker  Mary (Mrs) & Elizabeth, Emily, Annie & May (Misses), ladies school, 11 Romford Road
Stocker Charles Joseph LRCP, surgeon, 1 Richmond Gardens, Romford Road
Stoffell Thomas, beer retailer, 1 New Street
Stone William George, photographer, 178 The Grove
Strachan, Kydd & Donald, builders, Romford Road
Stratford Catholic Association Club House (Austin W Hay, hon sec), 60a Maryland Street, New Town
Stratford Chambers (William McGrath,prop), 148 The Grove
Stratford Co-operative & Industrial Society Limited (Albert Coleman, sec), 60a Maryland Street, New Town
Stratford Express (Wilson & Whitworth, proprietors), 20 Broadway
Stratford Provident Dispensary (Cornelius Frederick Stovin MD), The Grove & 1 Romford Road
Stratford School of Art (Mrs Harriet Taylor, mistress), 8 Leytonstone Road
Stratford Skating Rink (Thomas B Creed, proprietor), Ham Frith Road
Stratford Swimming Baths (T B Creed, proprietor), Ham Frith Road
Strickland Charles, baker & confectioner, 172 The Grove
Strong William Frederick, builder, Carpenters Road
Stroud George, pig dealer, Knobs Hill Cottage, Marshgate Lane
Styles John, shopkeeper, 71 Abbey lane
Sutton Henry, shopkeeper, 24 Abbey Lane
Swain William Henry (Mrs), teacher of music, 72 Janson Road
Symes Albert, Carpenters Arms PH, Carpenters Road



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