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Stratford 1886 Commercial Trade Directory

History of Stratford in 1886

Stratford 1886 Commercial Traders index

The nature of Stratford and its population rise leads me to split the indexes of the Commercial Traders for 1886 into individual pages, roughly alphabetical.

Commercial  Traders

Raiman Thomas Henry, building inspector to the local board, Town Hall
Ramsey Samuel, musical instruments & stationer, 3 Leyton Road, New Town
Rand John, boot maker, 28 Leyton Road, New Town
Raven John, tobacconist, 5 Great Eastern Road
Rawlings Charles Arthur, solicitor, 191 Romford Road
Rawlings Joshua, confectioner, 136 the Grove
Rayner Augustus Richard, coffee rooms, 8 Hughenden Terrace, Leyton Road
Rayner James Robert, baker, 373 & 383 High Street
Rayner Walter, house agent, 11 Hughenden Terrace, Leyton Road
Read Robert H, watch maker, 30 High Street
Real (The) Property Investment Association Limited (John Henry White, sec), 20 Leytonstone Road
Redman Brothers, clothiers, 2a Angel Lane, Broadway
Reed Alfred, builder & contractor, Short Street, Burford Road
Rees Mary (Mrs), shopkeeper, 33 Leyton Road
Reeve Charles, woollen draper, 290 High Street
Reeves Thomas, chandlers shop, 51 Bridge Road
Refuge Assurance Co (Geo Wm Capes, sec), 61 Leytonstone Road
Regan James, coffee & dining rooms, 199 High Street
Reid Ellen (Mrs), beer retailer, 76 Vicarage Lane
Reives Benjamin, plasterer, 180 High Street
Reynolds Alfred, cab proprietor, 1 Omega Cottages, Great Eastern Road
Reynolds Charles, corn dealer, 68 Chatsworth Road
Reynolds George, boys school, 296 Romford Road
Reynolds James, beer retailer, 31 Angel Lane
Rice William, pork butcher, 95 Leytonstone Road
Rich George Edward, oilman, 50 Leytonstone Road
Richards Jas & Son, Hatters 3, & shoe warehouse 4, Bridge Road
Richards Augustus, fruiterer, 12 Manbey Road
Richards Clara (Miss), dress maker, 2 Manbey Park Villas, Manbey Park Terrace
Richardson David, watch & clock maker, 62 Leytonstone Road
Richardson Henry, beer retailer, 39 Angel Lane
Richardson John James, collector of rates for the West Ham local board, Town Hall
Riches Thomas, hair dresser, 41 Chatsworth Road
Rickett, Smith & Co, coal merchants, High Street & Angel Lane & Maryland Point, Leytonstone Road
Ricketts James, chemist, 168 The Grove
Ridpath Andrew greengrocer, 259 High Street
Rippin Henry William, brush maker, 2 Norris Place, High Street
Ritchie William & Son, merchants, jute spinners, Carpenters Road
Rivett James, funeral furnisher, High Street
Robb Elwyn henry, boot maker, 18 & 130 Maryland Road
Robbins Alfred, sign writer, 100 Leytonstone Road
Robbins James MB, surgeon, 190 Chobham Road
Roberts & Wilson, wharfingers, Rowatts Wharf, High Street
Roberts John Reynolds, linen draper, 80a, 80, 84, 86 & 88 Broadway
Robinson Bros, timber merchants & saw mills, Chatsworth Road
Robinson Arthur John, beer retailer, 29 Leyton Road, New Town
Robinson Lance, dyer, 78 Broadway
Robinson Mary (Mrs), coffee rooms, 1 Devonshire Terrace, High Street
Robinson Samuel, blind maker, 40 Leytonstone Road
Robson Thomas Hood, timber merchant, 84 Windmill Lane
Rogers George Frederick, corn merchant, 297 & 299 High Street
Rogers George James, confectioner, 30 Leyton Road, New Town
Rogers Joseph, fruiterer & greengrocer, 27 Abbey lane & 36 Lett Road
Rogers Richard William, cabinet maker, 374 High Street & furniture dealer,  5 Martin Street
Rogers Samuel, shopkeeper, 94 High Street
Rogers  Walter Roger, White Hart PH, Temple Mills, Temple Mill Lane
Rolfe John, general dealer, 55 Dunmow Road north
Romain Samule Anidger, watch maker, 303 High Street
Roman William, sign writer, 149 Leytonstone Road
Rose Henry, butcher, 1 Broadway
Ross John, greengrocer, 12 Waddington Street, New Town
Routledge Henry Robert, haberdasher, 33 Howards Road
Rowe Edwin Samuel, dyer, 66 Angel Lane
Roworth Thomas Hy, haberdasher, 11 Globe Crescent, Forest lane
Russell Maurice, potato & fruit salesman, 8 Stratford Market
Rutter Henry, watch maker, 48 Gurney Road



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