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Stratford 1886 Commercial Trade Directory

History of Stratford in 1886

Stratford 1886 Commercial Traders index

The nature of Stratford and its population rise leads me to split the indexes of the Commercial Traders for 1886 into individual pages, roughly alphabetical.

Commercial  Traders

Hackwill Katherine (Mrs), dress maker, 41 Keogh Road
Hadley Sydney C. solicitor, 2 Cumberland Villas, Great Eastern Roa
Haines George, fruiterer, 228 High Street
Hake George Henry, Royal Hotel, 48 Leytonstone Road
Hall Edward, grocer, 57 Stewart Road
Hall Frederick Charles, eating house keeper, High Street
Hallett John, news agent etc, 54 High Street
Hamblin William, Bay Tree, 67 Vicarage Lane
Hamilton Arthur, fancy repository, 164 The Grove
Hamilton John Burnett, surgeon, 63 Leytonstone Road
Hammond Wm Hy, tailor, 111 & 113 The Grove
Hampton Jane (Mrs), coffee rooms, 30 Leytonstone Road
Hancock David Charles, gas fitter, 13 Lett Road
Handley Thomas, Old Black Bull PH, 13 Broadway
Hanson Emma (Mrs), wardrobe dealer, 71 Vicarage Lane
Harbour Henry, greengrocer, 37 Leytonstone Road
Hardy Jane (Mrs), working cutler, 34 Angel Lane
Harmer Anthony Thomas, printer, 1 Gurney Road
Harmer Martin, cab proprietor, Martin Street
Harmer Henry, marine store dealer, 21 Well Street
Harradine Joshua, dairyman, 14 Maryland Street
Harris Thomas Horatio & Sons, tallow melters, bone boilers & soap makers, Marshgate Lane;
Harris Amelia (Mrs), dyer & cleaner, 32 Leytonstone Road
Harris Frederick, baker, 38 Windmill Lane
Harris Jesse, boot & shoe maker, 43 Leytonstone Road
Harris Joseph, King of Prussia PH, 47 Broadway
Harris Walter George, carman, 41 Albert Road & Howards Road, Forest Lane
Harris Wm, coal merchant, 49 Buxton Road & 24 Leytonstone Road
Harris William, engineer, Chatsworth Road & 39 Albert Road
Harrison James, manure manufacturer, 34 High Street
Hart & Son, hatters, 48 Broadway
Hart Arthur Edward, Telegraph PH, 85 Leyton Road, New Town
Hart Charles, pork butcher, 41 Leytonstone Road
Hart Thomas, pork butcher, 10 Broadway
Harvey & Neville, rice starch manufacturers, 85 High Street
Harvey James, oilman, 10 Martha Road
Haseltine, Kearley & Co, grocers, 26 Broadway
Haslam & Gould Borthers, corn merchants, High Street
Hasledon John, butcher, 25 Angel Lane
Hattemore John, butcher, 35 Angel Lane
Hatter Margaret (Mrs), beer retailer, 144 Maryland Road
Hatton Charles, coffee house, 145 Leyton Road, New Town
Hawkesworth E, butcher, 46 Crownfield Road
Hay George, baker 40 & 42 Broadway
Hay George, confectioner & wine merchant, 15 & 17 Broadway
Haycock William Thomas, greengrocer, 381 High Street
Hayes Charles Frederick, engineer, 66 Buxton Road
Hayes Emily (Mrs), news agent, 3 Francis Terrace, Crownfield Road
Hayes George, watch maker, 83 Windmill Lane
Haynes & Clifton, solicitors & commissioners, Great Eastern Road
Heath William, beer retailer, Union Street, North Street
Hebblewhite G & Co, hosiers & glovers, 25 Leytonstone Road
Helmore & Comerford, veterinary forge, 339 High Street
Hemingway & Co, color manufacturers, Marshgate Lane
Hemming John, grocer, 49 Downsell Road
Hemming William, grocer, 114 Major Road, New Town
Henley John, shopkeeper, 15 Lett Road
Henry William, lead light glazier, 6 & 23 Martin Street
Herbert George, leather seller 44, & oil & colorman, 46 Leyton Road, New Town
Herrman Edward, muffin & crumpet baker, 38 Angel Lane
Hermann Joseph, provision merchant, 11 Angel Lane
Herson Leonard, plumber, 20 Leyton Road, New Town
Herson Samuel, plumber, 135 Leytonstone Road
Hester Henry, confectioner, 192 High Street
Hewland Amelia (Mrs), confectioner, 193 Leytonstone Road
Hickinbotham William, hair dresser, High Street
Higgens Joseph, hair dresser, 115 Angel Lane
Hill John, clog maker, 50 Angel Lane
Hillard Thomas, corn dealer, 49 Vicarage Lane
Hilleary Frederic Edward MS, LLM, solicitor, clerk to the West Ham board of guardians, & supt registrar of births, deaths & marriages, & clerk to the local board, Town Hall, Broadway
Hills George, cheesemonger, 7 Broadway
Hilton Thomas, brace maker, 103 Angel Lane
Himpleton Thomas, gas fitter, 85 & 87 Leytonstone Road
Hitchcock Joseph, greengrocer & fishmonger, 80 & 81 Windmill Lane, New Town
Hitchin Samuel William, coal merchant, 77 Buxton Road
Hodson Harry & Co, color manufacturers, Sugar House Lane
Hogarth & Co, wholesale confectioners, 79 High Street
Holbrook Richard & Son, engineers & machinists, 45 Martin Street
Holby Henry, hair dresser, 240 High Street
Holden James, beer retailer, 273 High Street
Holdomen Joshua, ham & tongue dealer, 125 Leytonstone Road
Holford Thomas Constantine, LDS surgeon, dentist & chemist, 342 & 344 High Street
Holliday Henry Benj, pawnbroker, 154 Leyton Road, New Town
Holt Robert, general shop, 32 Dunmow Road north
Holttum Thomas Gilbee, butcher, 297 Romford Road
Hood Jonn Alfred, firewood merchant, Norway Wharf, High Street
Hopkins Frederick, greengrocer, 241 High Street
Hopkins William, collector of poor’s rate, 6 Manbey Grove
Horn Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 2 Cornwall terrace, Manbey Park Terrace
Horn William, chief sanitary inspector to the West Ham local board, Town Hall
Horne George, boot maker, 129 Angel Lane
Hornsey William G, builder, 205 Vicarage Lane
Howard Joseph, ironmonger, 19 & 21 Broadway
Hosford John Stroud, physician, 121 The Grove
Hosking Edward Joseph, saw mills, Frederick Street
Housden Charles, scale & weight manufacturer, 3 Devonshire Terrace, High Street
Howard Ebenezer, shopkeeper, 69 Major Road
Howard John, oilman, 5 Broadway
Howard Thomas, Eagle Tavern, Cobham Road
Howard William, coffee rooms, 48 Chatsworth Road
Howard William geo, tobacconist, 63 Maryland Street, New Town
Howards & Sons, manufacturing chemists, 74 High Street
Howell James, toy dealer, 311 High Street
Howes Walter, shoeing smith, 101a High Street
Hoy Walter, nurseryman & florist, 23 Richmond Gardens, Romford Road
Hubbard Thomas, picture frame maker, 9 Leyton Road, New Town
Hubbard William, corn & flour dealer, Crownfield Road
Hudson Francis Mead, cheesemonger, 385 High Street
Hudson John, architect & surveyor, Green, 36 Romford Road
Huish Ambrose, grocer, Dunmow Road
Hull George, butcher, 124 Leyton Road, New Town
Hull Thos A, greengrocer, 95 Henniker Road, New Town
Humphries William, confectioner, 60 Maryland Street
Hunt Frederick James & Co, hard, soft & toilet soap manufacturers, Bow Bridge soap works, High Street
Hunt Jared Terrett & Son Limited (Alfred T Hunt, managing director), bone merchants, Bow Bridge works, High Street
Huntley Walt C & Co, vegetable salesmen, 3 Stratford market
Hurry William, undertaker, 82 Angel Lane
Hurry Wm Alfred, undertaker, 5 Stanton Terrace, Crownfield Road
Hurst James, greengrocer, 2 Salway Road
Hutchins John Thomas & Co, outfitters, 210 & 212 High Street
Hutchison William E, boot & shoe maker, 33 Vicarage Lane
Hutson Henry, beer retailer & job master, 47 Buxton Road
Hutt Mark, furniture dealer, 6 Bridge Road
Hymas Edward, shopkeeper, 72 Vicarage lane


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