Man Loaded with Mischielf

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Stratford 1839 Pigots Directory

Stratford History index

Stratford, West Ham, Plaistow and neighbourhoods

Trades People  - Tailors to Wheelwrights & Miscellaneous

Biddle George, High Street
Carret John, West Ham
Dangerfield James, Broadway
Derrick Henry, Chapel Street
Gillman Joseph, 1 Surinam Terrace
Gitland John, Balaam Street, Plaistow
Hezell Jhn, East Street
Jones Samuel, Broadway
Lorking William, High Street
Moss John, New Street
Read Thomas, West Ham Lane
Rudall Samuel, Plaistow
Shales Sarah and John, Broadway
Smith Samuel, Chapel Street
Tarrant Richard, Broadway
Tyler Joseph, Maryland Point

Tallow Chandlers
West Thos (and oilman), Broadway
Wilton John ( and melter), Broadway

Moline Edward, Angel Lane, and 8 Billiter Street, London

Timber Merchants
Burling James, High Street
Curtis and Son, Broadway
Geere Thomas, High Street
Gibson John Ralph, High Street
Palmer William ( and slate), High Street

Dowler Hannah, Broadway
Hand James, West Ham
Hatherill Elizabeth, Broadway
Smith John James, High Street

Toy Dealers
Eames Benjamin, Broadway
Showell James, Broadway
Vandrant Chas, Langthorne

Veterinary Surgaons
Easton Thomas, High Street
Moss James, Plaistow

Watch and Clock Makers
Ashdown Charles, Broadway
Golledge Richard, 5 Surinam Terrace
Hodierne William Harvey, Church Street Buildings, West Ham
Lamb Richard, Broadway
Wing Mark, Allens Buildings, Broadway

Burrell William, Plaistow
Farrant and Son, High Street
Fordham James, Turnpike Row
Stonard William, Plaistow
Straight William, Plaistow
Balley Wm geo, potato dealer, High Street
Beale John Evans, registrar of births and deaths for West ham etc, Plaistow
Biggs William, working cutler, Broadway
Chapness John, book keeper, West Ham
Churchland Edward, sponge and rag manufacturer, Broadway
Congreys Rocket Factory, West Ham Marshes; office 14 Lombard Street, London
Cossington John, lighterman, near Bow Bridge
Craddock Eliza, servants register office, Broadway
French John, cattle salesman, Angel Lane
Gingell James, hay salesman, Angel Lane
Golledge Richard, parish clerk, 5 Surinam Terrace
Gregory John, stamp distributor, West Ham Lane
Haines Edward, yeast dealer, High Street
Hancock Walter, engineer, High Street
Hett James Keir & Co, vinegar makers, West Ham
Horse Patrol Police Station, Maryland Point - William Holt and David Johson, officers
Humphreys Chas, coach painter, High Street
Hutchinson James, clerk, 2 Vicarage Terrace
Jay Alexander, professor of dancing, Stratford Green
Jones Wm, professor of music, 30 Upton Place
Lambert Geo Smith, bell hanger, Stratford
Lawes Algernon, horse dealer, Stratford
Lenty Wm, chimney sweeper, Broadway
Maguire William, dealer in British wines, Broadway
Matthews Wm, furniture japanner, High Street
Maybank William, lighterman, High Street
Meeson Thomas & Richard, lime burners, near Bow Bridge
Mundy Stephen, relieving officer, High Street
Mure James & Co, distillers, Three Mills, West ham, and Bromley, Middlesex
Murphy James Patrck, tar & turpentine distillers, Marshgate Lane
Newton William, dealer in building materials, Bridge Place
Pratt George, stone mason, High Street
Rake Thomas, clerk, 7 Vicarage Terrace
Rees Joseph, dentist, High Street
Richardson William, inspector of the police horse patrol, 27 Upton Place
Rogers Richard, carver & gilder, Broadway
Rogers Thomas, French polisher, High Street
Russell Susannah, floor cloth manufacturer, West Ham
Savings Bank, West ham - Septimus Morris, actuary, Broadway
Sawyer Jonathan, eating house, Broadway
Smith George, locksnith and bellhanger, Langthorne Place
Stevens Jno, commission agent, West Ham
Thodey William, printer, Plaistow
Thorn Widow & sons, chimney sweepers etc, West Ham
Turner & Montague, Roman cement manufacturers, Farringdon Wharf, & brick and tile makers, Leigh
Union Poorhouse, West Ham - Thomasin Foster, matron
Vallance James thos, registrar of births & deaths for Stratford district, Broadway
Vandrant Charles, engraver and copper plate printer, Langthorne Place
Wackett Jno, dealer in building materials, Bridge Place
White James, musical instrument seller and music tuner, Broadway
Wilkins Richard, brush maker, High Street
Wood Robt, carrier, Church Street, West Ham
Woodward Richard, engraver to calico printers, Mount Street

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