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Stratford 1839 Pigots Directory

Stratford History index

Stratford, West Ham, Plaistow and neighbourhoods

Trades People  - Academies to Bricklayers

Academies and Schools
(Not otherwise described are day schools)
Ashby Charles, West Ham Lane
Ault Henry (boarding), 8 Upton Place
Baker Elizabeth, Channel Sea Terrace
Berryman Sarah, High Street
Bonnells Charity School (girls), West Ham - Elizabeth Miles
British and Foreigh School Society, Plaistow - Anne Raynor, mistress
British School (boys), Little North Street - Matthew Cope Witty, master
Carpenter Thomas (boarding & day), West ham
Charity School (girls), West Ham - Sarah Blackburn, mistress
Cooper Mary and Eliza (boarding), Stratford Grove
Coppell Eliza, High Street
Farrow Harriet, Angel Lane
Ferguson Elizabeth (boarding & day), Upton Place
Freeman John (boarding), 6 Vicarage Terrace
Gibbs Elizabeth (boarding), 6 Vicarage Terrace
Grammar School, Broadway - Rev W Cresswell, master
Herden John William (boarding), Maryland Point
Hunter Sarah Jane (boarding), Stratford Green
Infants School (Gurneys), Plaistow - Harriet Harper, mistress
Infants School, Marsh - Caroline Hodierne, mistress
Infants School, West Ham - Mary Anne Hodierne, mistress
Jones Misses (boarding), Maryland Point
Mason Mrs E, Plaistow
Miller Mary and Elizabeth, 3 Upton Place
National School (boys & girls), Stratford - Joseph Usher, master; Miss Lancaster, mistress
National School (boys), West Ham - Geo Henry Lovegrove, master
Perry Sarah, Chapel Street
Philp Elizabeth (boardong), West Ham
Scrivener Anne Mitchell (boarding), 9 Upton Place
Strange Stephen, Fishers Yard
Taylor Sarah, Stratford Grove
Todd Robert, Plaistow
Tovey Rebecca, Plaistow
White Sarah Anne (boarding), Stratford
Woodcock Anne, Maryland Point
Woodcock Sarah Anne and Eliza (boarding), Stratford Green

Dacre George, Stratford Green
Hilleary Robert G A and G E, Broadway
Martin George, West Ham
Otway and Allen (and solicitors for the Thames & Oxford Steam Tow Company), Stratford Grove, and 10 Austin Friars, London
Taylor James, 3 Clements Terrace, West Ham

Bullock Thomas, Waterworks Row
Champion Henry, West Ham
Clark William, High Street
Dare Philip, High Street
Dee William, Broadway
Dow James, High Street
Fiveash John, High Street
Frost Giles, Church Street, West Ham
Gentry John, Broadway
Heighton William, High Street
Lambrith Edward, Plaistow
McCash William, Broadway
Mackness Robert, High Street
Mayhew Philip, Plaistow
Noad John, High Street
Noble Thomas, Prospect Place, West Ham
Pain Oliver, Broadway
Raynor William, Plaistow
Rowley Jonas, West Ham
Stubbs Richard, Maryland Point
Surry Timothy, Plaistow

Basket Makers
Bayley John, High Street
Burton John, Broadway
Mackay Thomas, Plaistow
Booksellers & Stationers
Crick Susannah (&library), Broadway
Morris Septimus (& library), Broadway
Rogers Richard, Broadway
Showell Jas (and stamp distributor), Broadway
Vandrant Charles (and stamp distibutor), Langthorne Place

Boot and Shoe Makers
Abbott John, West Ham
Allen James, High Street
Ball John, High Street
Bibbing James, West Ham
Bush John, Stratford Green
Cruddock William, Broadway
Creighton Edward John, West Han
Debney James, Maryland Point
Eapps John, West Ham Place
Gallifent Pool, Plaistow
Gower Reuben, High Street
Grainger John, New Street
Greenwood Joseph, High Street
Griffiths William, Angel Lane
Hillman Joseph, High Street
Holbrook William, Chapel Place
Hollorn William, High Street
Honey John, High Street
Hudson Henry, West Ham
Hull John, Plaistow
Jones Thos, Allens Buildings, Broadway
Lamplugh John, High Street
Lushey John, Prospect Place, West Ham
Murray Jas, Chapel Place, West Ham
Norris John, West Ham abbey
Palser John, Bridge Place, West Ham
Pigrome Jeremiah & Edmund, Plaistow
Porter Wm, Prospect Place, West Ham
Presland John, Broadway
Sadler Henry, Broadway
Scearfe William, Maryland Point
Short John, High Street
Skinner William, High Street
Smart James, West Ham Lane
Stracey George, West Ham
Thompson Philip, Waterworks Row
Twigg Adam, Broadway
Williams John, Waterworks Row
Wright William, High Street

Braziers and Tin Plate Workers
Fletcher Frederick, Broasdway
Little Burgess, Broadway
Miles William, Broadway
Page George, Broadway

Gray & dacre (and maltsters), West Ham Lane
Jennings Richard, Plaistow
Woodman Wm lake, Angel Lane

Bricklayers and Plasterers
Cocks James, Plistow
Heath William, High Street
Hopkins henry, High Street
Hopkins William, Broadway
Kemplay David, High Street
Smith Charles, West ham
Wright Musgrave Fitch, Chapel Street

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