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Stratford 1839 Pigots Directory

Stratford History index

Stratford, West Ham, Plaistow and neighbourhoods

Gentry & Clergy

Allcard Mr John, Stratford Green
Anderson Mrs Elizabeth, Plaistow
Anderson Mr Jas F, Stratford Green
Archer Mr John, Stratford Green
Austin Mr William, Stratford Green
Baker __, esq, West Ham abbey
Banneytyre Rev Charles, West Ham
Batger Mr John, Stratford Green
Beale Mrs, Plaistow
Bell Mrs __, Catherine, Plaistow
Bell Mr Luke, Plaistow
Bernard Mr John, Plaistow
Blood Mr Thomas, Plaistow
Bond Mrs Sarah, Plaistow
Bosanquet Rev Edw Stanley, Plaistow
Brady Mr Antonio, Stratford Green
Bristow Capt Henry, Stratford Green
Brookes Mr John, Stratford Green
Brown Mr Thomas, Upton Place
Brushfield Mr Benjamin, Plaistow
Buck Mr Frederick, Upton Place
Burgh Mr James, Stratford Green
Buxton __, Esq, Upton
Campbell Mrs, West Ham
Carter Mrs Alice, Upton Place
Catterton Mr Wm M, Upton Place
Cheape Mr Henry, Stratford Green
Clarke Mrs Harriet, Plaistow
Clarke Mr William G, Plaistow
Cohn Mrs jane, 3 Surinam Terrace
Cohn Mr John, 3 Surinam Terrace
Cooke Mr Thomas, West ham
Cort Mr Conningsby, Stratford Green
Court Miss Lucy, Stratford Grove
Court Miss Mary Ann, Stratford Grove
Crawley Mr Alfred, Plaistow
Cresswell Rev William, Broadway
Curtis Charles Esq, Plaistow
Delaway Mrs Mary, 9 Vicarage Terrace
Dodds Mrs Jane, West Ham Lane
Drane Mr John, Upton Place
Driver Mr Samuel, Plaistow
Eaton Mrs Susannah, Stratford Green
Edwards Mr Geo, Maryland Point
Emblem Rev John, West Ham lane
Ferdinando Mr Thomas, West Ham
Fowler Mr William, West Ham
Fox Mr Henry, Plaistow
Franks Mr William, Stratford Green
Fry Joseph Esq, Upton
Gowar Mr Raydin, 2 Surinam Terrace
Gray Mr John, Stratford Grove
Greenwood Mrs Rebecca, 17 Upton Place
Gregory Mr Jno S, 7 Essex Buildings
Griffin Mr Daniel, West Ham
Griffiths Mrs, West Han
Gunson Mr Henry, West Ham
Gurney Samuel Esq, Upton
Haden Mr George, Upton Place
Hamilton Mr, Stratford Grove
Harris Capt Alex, Stratford Green
Harris Mr James, Stratford Green
Harrison Mr Phinney, Plaistow
Hasluck Mr Samuel, Stratford Green
Higden Mrs Mary, Magdalene Point
Hinchcliff Mr Chamberlain, Stratford Grove
Hirons Mrs Sarah, Maryland Point
Hitchen Mr Thomas, Stratford Green
Holden Mrs Anne, High Street
Homer Mr Thomas, 25 Upton Place
Honey Mrs Maria, 8 Vicarage Terrace
Hubbard Mr John, Stratford Grove
Hudson Mrs, 26 Upton Place
Huthwaite Mr Stoken, Stratford Green
Ireland Mr Thomas, Plaistow
Jefferies Mr William, West Ham
Jenkins Mr John, Plaistow
Jeremy Mr Alfred, Stratford Grove
Jones the Venerable Archdeacon, Stratford Green
Joyce Mr Thomas, Plaistow
Kilner Miss Eliza,Maryland Point
Kilner Miss Francis, Maryland Point
Knowles Mr John, Stratford Grove
Lack Mrs Elizabeth, Plaistow
Lart Mrs Elizabeth, Plaistow
Legg Mr Jabez, Stratford Green
Leicester Joseph Esq, Upton
Lennox Mr Thomas, Plaistow
Leshey Mr William, West Ham
Ligins Mr John Wheatley, Plaistow
Liverton Mr Thomas, Upton Place
Lulman Mr Thomas, Upton Place
Lunn Mr Thomas, West Ham
Manby Mr Wm, Stratford Grove
Marsh Mr Samuel, Stratford Green
Marshall Miss, West Ham
marten Mr Charles, Plaistow
Martin Mr James, Plaistow
Martin Robt Humphries Esq, Plaistow
Masterman Mr John, Plaistow
Miller Cap George, 5 Vicarage Terrace
Moates Mr William, Stratford Grove
Morgan Mr Daniel, Stratford Green
Mount Mrs Jane, 1 Vicarage Terrace
Mundy Mr Jno, Church Street, West Ham
Nockells Mr William, Print Ground
Nutt Mr David, Stratford Green
Oliver Mr Thomas, Broadway
Parker Mrs Judith, Broadway
Peadler Mr Samuel, Stratford Green
Pedley Mr Joseph, Broadway
Pelly John Henry Esq, Upton
Perry Mr Richard Samuel
Pooght Mr George, West Ham abbey
Raws Mr Richard, Stratford Grove
Renn Mrs __, West Ham
Robinson Mr Alfred, Plaistow
Robinson Mr Jon, Stratford Grove
Rogers Mrs Rebecca, West Ham
Schode Mr __, Plaistow
Seale Mr Joshua, Plaistow
Seale the Misses, Plaistow
Sewell Mr Thomas, Plaistow
Shaw Mr Thomas, West ham Lane
Sheppard Mrs Sarah, Plaistow
Smith Mrs Mary, Maryland Point
Somes Mrs Sarah, Stratford Green
Spenser Mr james, Plaistow
Spooner Mr John, Plaistow
Taylot Mr John, Stratford Green
Taylor Mr Samuel, Stratford Green
Tebb Mr Richard, West Ham
Temple Rev William, Plaistow
Thompson Mrs, Stratford Green
Thompson Captain, Plaistow
Train Mrs Frances, Maryland Point
Tucker John, Esq, West Ham abbey
Tuit Captain James, 15 Upton Place
Turner Mr George, Plaistow
Tweedle Mr Jacob, Plaistow
Wainhouse Miss, Plaistow
Walmsley Mr, Stratford Green
Ward Mrs Anne, Plaistow
Warmington Mr John, Plaistow
Warren Mr Robert, 3 Vicarage Terrace
Watts Mrs Anne, Plaistow
Webb Mr James, West Ham
Westlake Mr John, Plaistow
Whalley Mr Robert, 10 Vicarage Terrace
Wilkins Mr Thomas, 18 Upton Place
Wilson Mr George, Stratford Green
Wilton Mr Henry, Plaistoe
Wilton Mr John, 4 Vicarage Terrace
Wood Mrs Sarah, Maryland Point
Woodward Rev John, Carnarvon Hall
Woollett Mr Joseph, West Ham Lane

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