Romford 1914 Kelly's Directory

History of Romford

Commercial Traders  A - F

Abbott George, nurseryman, Marlborough Road  
Adams S W Limited (late Norman Halls), ironmongers, gas fitters & tinplate workers; large stock of dairy utensils & apparatus, 7 Market place
Afford Alfred, monumental mason, South Street & 11 Brooklands Road
Ager Mary (Mrs), shopkeeper, 2 George Street
Ainsworth Alberta (Miss), shopkeeper, 109 Marks Road
Alabaster Roger G, iron & metal dealer, 257 Crown Road, Marks Road
Alderton Charles, supt to the London & Manchester Industrial Insurance Co Limited, 16 Douglas Road
Amey Charles Henry, insurance agent, Oakhurst, Nrth Street
Annereau Francis R (Mrs), midwife, 4 Oak Terrace, Hornchurch Road
Appleton Wm, verger of parish church, Church house, Market place
Arch John Bentley, china & glass dealer 38, boot dealer 40, & grocer 42, Market place
Astell James, boot repairer, 73 Marks Road
Austin Robert Charles, draper 7 milliner, 1 Market place
Axon Henry, pork butcher, 76 High Street & 65 Victoria Road
Aylett Brothers, butchers, 88 & 90 Market place
Bacon Caroline (Mrs), beer retailer, Brentwood Road
Bacon Fredk Wm, dairyman, 5 Oak Terrace, Hornchurch Road
Bailey George Randall, sanitary inspector & inspector of nuisances to Urban District Council offices, Market place
Baker William, greengrocer, 2 Queen Street
Balderson William Alfred, provision dealer, 25 High Street
Baldwin Charles, outfitter, 2 & 4 Market place
Baldwin Eleanor (Mrs), confectioner, 53 South Street
Ball Arthur, school attendance officer for rural district of Romford, St Margarets, Mawneys Road
Banks Annie Eliza (Miss), dress maker, 10 Kings Road
Banyard Richard, dairyman, 19 North Street & 64 Victoria Road
Barber Walter LRCPI, physician, 11 Victoria Road
Barkham John Thomas, plumber, 3 Albert Road
Barnard Samuel Clift, hosier, 38 South Street
Barrett & Procter, veterinary surgeons, 10 Western Road
Barrow William, fishmonger, 16 Mawneys road
Barten Edward, draper, 43 & 45 South Street
Bartholomew Jane (Mrs), shopkeeper, 85 Craigdale Road
Bartlett George, baker, Mawneys Road
Baskerville Stanley, Crown Hotel, London Road
Batten J T, surveyor of customs & excise; office, Broadway chambers, South Street
Beal Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 70 North Street
Beard Edward, carpenter, 64 Waterloo Road
Bedford George Henry, grocer, 5 Margaret Road, Heath Park
Bennett Elizabeth M (Mrs), midwife, 29 St Andrews Road
Bennett James Henry MRCVS, veterinary surgeon, 13 Eastern Road
Bennett Ralph FRCVS, veterinary surgeon, Iona, Hornchurch Road
Bensted John, confectioner, 23 London Road
Bentley Jessie (Miss), oil & color stores, 36 Market place
Bescoby Stanley James, carman, see Parlby & Bescoby
Bettis mary A (Miss), shopkeeper, 59 High Street
Betts Mary (Mrs), laundry, 12 King Edwards Road
Bixby David, farmer, Crowlands, off London Road
Blackwell George Herbert, florist, Tawney lodge, Albert Road
Blackwell Harold Fred, tailor, 62 South Street
Blackwell Joseph Henry, butcher, 26 High Street
Blake William, grocer, 92 Brentwood Road
Bloomfield Charles, clerk to the guardians & assessment committee, Union offices, Oldchurch Road
Bloye Ernest, poultry farmer, Essex Road
Boardman & Co Ltd, timber merchants etc, North Street
Ben Marche, drapers, 53 Victoria Road
Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Ltd, 32 South Street
Booty George, greengrocer, 2 Norfolk parade, London Road
Bore George, grocer, Sheringham Avenue
Borrows E George, confectioner, 104 Market place
Box Alfred Ernest, joint hon sec to the Victoria Cottage Hospital & hon sec Town Swimming Club, Gwenleigh, Kings Road
Bragg George, cab proprietor, Osborne house, Balmoral Road, Heath Park
Bramble Joseph, hair dresser, 43 Victoria Road
Branch Alfred, insurance agent, 78 Albert Road
Brentwood Motor & Garage Co Limited, motor engineers, South Street
Bridge W W, saddler, 16 & 18 North Street
Bristow Battery-Sergt-Major Edward, drill instructor to 2nd Essex Battery, 2nd East Anglian Brigade Royal Field Artillery Territorial Force, Hornchurch Road
Brock Henry N, blouse manufacturer, South Street
Brooks Chas & Son, carting contractors, Hornchurch Road
Brooks Frederick, news agent, 25 London Road
Broomer Lydia (Mrs), confectioner, 46 Victoria Road
Brown Albert, boot & shoe maker, 92 Market place
Brown Charles, brick layer, 29 North Street
Brown George B, coal merchant, 121 Victoria Road
Brown Harry, dining rooms, 102 Victoria Road
Buckeridge Elizabeth (Mrs), greengrocer, 29 High Street
Bull Herbert, district supt Britannic Assurance Co Limited, 4 Norfolk parade, London Road
Bull Hester (Mrs), fancy repository, 82 Victoria Road
Bull William John, greengrocer, 116 Victoria Road
Burgess Alice H (Mrs), fancy repository, 5 South Street
Burgess Arthur George, tobacconist (who), 26 Victoria Road
Burn Leonard Stanley, Old Oak PH, Hornchurch Road
Burton Arthur, boot maker, 74 Market place
Busby John, dairyman, 26 Albert Road
Bush Sidney H, farrier, South Street
Butcher George, shopkeeper, 113 George Street
Butcher James, greengrocer, 11 St Andrews Road
Butterfield James & Co, builders, Oak Street & 117 Victoria Road
Butterworth Herbert Jas, plumber, Park cottages, Brentwood Road
Cable Frederick, fancy repository, 109 Victoria Road
Cakebread Frank, grocer, 75 High Street
Candler Christopher, surveyor, 1 Linden Street
Canham Edward Hy, grocer, & post office, 11 Mildmay Road
Cann William, nurseryman, Essex Road
Carroll Arthur, boot maker, 19 George Street
Carter Arthur, grocer, 33 Victoria Road
Carter Edmund, builder, 125 George Street
Carter George Thomas, sanitary inspector to the Romford Rural District Council, 37 Mildmay Road
Cash Boot Co, boot makers, 17 High Street
Cash Harry, tailor, 4 Park Lane
Castle John E, printer, 21 Market place
Catchpole Walter, greengrocer, 15 Mildmay Road
Causton A B, manager London & Provincial Bank Limited, South Street
Cave Frederick, commercial traveller, 93 Eastern Road
Cemetery (New) (C T King, clerk to the Romford Urban District Council acting as Burial Authority), Council chambers, Market place; cemetery, Rush Green
Chalenor Henry Samuel, parcels agent to Great Eastern Railway Co, 2 King Edwards Road
Challenge Lily M (Mrs), furniture dealer, 18 Victoria Road
Chamberlain Adin, customs & excise officer, inspector of corn returns & pension officer, Broadway chambers, South Street
Chambers George Charles, watch maker, 22 Mawneys Road
Chapman Sergt-Major Frank F, drill instructor to A Co, 4th Territorial Force Battalion, Essex Regiment, 33 Market place
Childrens Home (Charles Brabant, supt), 5,6,7 & 8 Laurie Square & 1 & 2 The Croft, Heath Park Road
Chitty Lionel T, news agent, 117 George Street

Chopping Stephen Thomas, shopkeeper, 116 Marks Road
Church Thomas Charles, baker, 92 High Street
Clare Charles Jesse, nurseryman, Pretoria Road
Clark Emily (Mrs), confectioner, 86 Victoria Road
Clark Harry, greengrocer, Marlborough Road
Clark John, nurseryman, Pretoria Road
Clarke Arthur, nurseryman, St Albans, Cross Road
Clarke Richard, Mawney Arms PH, Mawneys Road
Clayton Clara (Mrs), florist, 17 market place
Clube Annie (Miss), shopkeeper, 42 North Street
Coles & Ward, leather & grindery merchant; & boot dfactors, 51 & 53 Albert Road
Collicott George Henry, Lamb inn, Market place
Collins Alfred, dairyman, 108 Victoria Road
Constable Chas Robt, baker & post office, 41 Victoria Road
Cook Harry, shopkeeper, 3 Norfolk parade, London Road
Cook James, farrier, Lamb yard, North Street
Cook William, boot repairer, 1 Poels yard, North Street
Cooke Thomas, shopkeeper, 75 Albert Road
Cooper Lewis John, pork butcher, 60 High Street
Copsey George, cabinet maker, 58 Market place
Corn Exchange (Messrs Kemsley, mgrs), 8 High Street
Cornell Arthur, sanitary inspector to Romford Rural District Council & registrar of marriages & deputy registrar of births & deaths, 5 Junction Road
Cornell Ellen (Mrs), boot repairer, 60 North Street
Corner Alice (Miss), confectioner, 8 Mawneys Road
County Court (His Honor Henry Tindal Atkinson, judge; Adam Partington, registrar; Frederick William Jeffes & George Ball, registrars clerks; Charles Godfrey, high bailiff; E Champness, high bailiffs clerk); offices of the court, South Street
Cousins Benjamin, marine store dealer, 94 Albert Road
Cousins Frederick, marine store dealer, 55 High Street
Cousins Fredk jun, wardrobe dealer, 4 London Road & Queen Street
Cox Sarah (miss), dress maker, 73 Junction Road
Cracknell William, jobbing gardener, 82 Albert Road
Craig john James, draper, 66 & 68 Market place
Cramphorn Limited, corn merchants, 24 Market place
Crane Henry E, White Hart Hotel, High Street, Tel No 20 Romford
Cripps Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 18 Carlisle Road
Cripps James, upholsterer, 18 Carlisle Road
Cross William Charles, beer retailer, 55 & 57 Market place
Crudgington John, fishmonger 82, & fried fish shop 72, High Street
Cumberland Jas & Son, chimney sweepers, 11 London Road
Cumyngs Jn Wm, boys school, Romford College, Victoria Road
Cursiter George, grocer & wine etc dealer, Scoth stores, 9 & 11 Market place
Daldy & Co, coal & timber merchants, 93 South Street
Dales S Philips, architect, 79a South Street
Danby Gertrude (Mrs), florist, 4 South Street
Darke & Son, saddlers, 23 Market place
Davey & Makings, builders, 22 North Street
Davey Theophilus, surveyor, 82 Western Road
Davis Samuel (firdm, Dowsing & davis), builder, 1 Mawneys Villa, Mawneys Road
Dawson George Brown, insurance agent, 84 Mildmay Road
Dean Oliver, hair dresser, 9 Mildmay Road
Deeks Samuel William, boot maker, 44 Shaftesbury Road
Deeley George, baker, Wheatsheaf Road
Dodd Frederick Henry, dairyman, 67 North Street
Domestic Bazaar Co Limited, 36 South Street
Dowsing & davis, builders, Mawneys Road TN 500 Romford
Dulley Frank J, plumber & decorator, 84 High Street
Dunball George Alfred, cycle agent, 18 High Street
Dunn Alexander, butcher, 29 & 31 Victoria Road
Durrant Lily Ada (Mrs), shopkeeper, 98 George Street
Durston Helen (Mrs), dress maker, 35 King Edwards Road
Eade Arthur, auctioneer, 3 Eastern Road
Eales Francis T S, boot repairer, 16 St Andrews Road
East Anglian (2nd) Brigade Royal Field Artillery, Territorial Force, 2nd Essex Battery (Major C E Castellan, commanding; Lieuts H V Capon, A W Matcham & W J Harris; Battery-Sergt-Major, Edward Bristow & Sergt-Major G P Clawson, drill instructors), Hornchurch Road
Eastman & Son (Dyers & Cleaners) Limited, dyers, 21 South Street
Eaton William Geo, greengrocer, Brentwood Road, Heath Park
Edmonds W H, LDSRCS Eng, dental surgeon, 79 South Street
Edwards James Henry, shipping agent, 115 George Street
Elkington Edward, dining rooms, 86 High Street
Elkington Edward John, fishmonger, 80 Victoria Road
Ellingworth daniel Stansbie, farmer, Pettits farm
Ellis Emma (Mrs), shopkeeper, 262 London Road
Ellison Alice (Mrs), shopkeeper, 17 George Street
Elsdon Henry, boot repairer, 109 Douglas Road
Empson Wm Jn, farmer, High Road & dairyman, 83a South Street
Essex County Council Tuberculosis Dispensary (Mrs Annie Taylor, nurse in charge; hours of attendance, tuesday to friday 11am), 29 Eastern Road
Essex Education Committee (Romford District office) (David Thomas Williams, sec), 71 South Street
Essex Equitable Permanent Building Society (Charles Burgess, sec), 5 South Street
Essex Farmers Union (A H Symons, hon sec & solicitor), 68 South Street
Essex Independent & Farmers Gazette (Essex Weekly News Series Limited, printers, proprietors & publishers; published mon & sat), 24 South Street
Essex Times (Wilson & Whitworth Ltd, publishers; published sat), 7 & 9 High Street
Essex Weekly News (Essex Weekly News Series Limited, publishers & proprietors; published fri), 24 South Street; & at Chelmsford
Essex Weekly News Series Lim, printers, publishers & proprietors of the "Essex Weekly News", the "Essex Independent & Farmers Gazette", & the "Braintree & Bocking Advertiser" & the "barking, Ilford & East Ham Advertiser", 24 High Street; & at High Street, Chelmsford
Evans John, tobacconist, 49 High Street
Evett James M, draper, 36 & 38 Victoria Road
Ewing Annie E (Mrs), beer retailer, 22 St Andrews Road
Farr Edwin Albert, tobacconist, 23 South Street
Felstead William, fishmonger, 73 High Street
Finch George, horse dealer, see Reynolds & Finch
Finch Harold G, customs, excise & pension officer, Broadway chambers, South Street
Finlay Andrew, nurseryman, Pretoria Road
Finley Maria (Mrs), missionary to Romford Town Mission, 98 Market place
Fisher John, shopkeeper, 25 Queen Street
Fitch & Son, confectioners, 1 Mildmay Road
Fletcher W & R Limited, butchers, 18 South Street
Fletcher Lambert, stationer etc, 30 High Street
Flower Georgina (Mrs), dress maker, 68 St Andrews Road
Fold E C (Miss), draper, 76 Brentwood Road
Forster Henry John, LRCP & S Irel, physician & surgeon, 234 Victoria Road
Frankel Michael, clothier, 90 High Street
Fraser James Alexander MRCS Eng, LRCP Lond, surgeon & medical officer to Romford Workhouse & Union Infirmary, Western Lodge, 2 Western Road
Freeman, Hardy & Willis Limited, boot & shoe makers, 4 High Street
Freeman Louis, tailor, 20 High Street
French Frank Albert, beer retailer, 90 Victoria Road
Frost William A, florist, Elm Road
Frostick Joseph Edward & Sons, chimney sweepers, 75 Market place
Fulcher John Henry, oil & color man, 61 Victoria Road

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