Romford 1914 Kelly's Directory

History of Romford

1914 Directory part 2

Romford is an ancient market town and railway station, head of a petty sessional division, union and county court district, in the Southern division of the county, in the Southern division of the county, seated on the little river Rom, whence it derives its name, on the high road from London to Colchester, with a station on the Great Eastern railway and another on a branch of the London, Tilbury and Southend railway from Hornchurch, 12 miles from Whitechapel, 17 south west from Chelmsford, 7 north east from Barking, and 6 south west from Brentwood. The principal street, in which the cattle market is held, is a wide thoroughfare, of considerable length, running from west to east. The town was governed by a Local Board of Health, formed in 1894, but is now, under the provisions of the “Local Government Act, 1894” (56 and 57 Vict c 73), controlled by an Urban District Council, and is lighted with gas from works in Nursery walk, established in 1825, but since bought by a company, and enlarged in 1889. Water is supplied by the South Essex Water Company, who derive their supply from Grays.  Romford was the capital of the liberty of Havering atte Bower until the abolition of the liberty, 9 May, 1892: this liberty comprised the parishes of Hornchurch, Romford and Havering: and had an ancient, peculiar, and separate jurisdiction, granted by various charters from the time of Edward the Confessor, whose original grant has since received many additions and confirmations: it was independent of the county, appointed its own magistrates, had a clerk of the peace, coroner, quarter and petty sessions, courts of record and ancient demesne, and a county court: all business relative to the liberty was transacted in the town of Romford, which has in consequence been appointed the head of a petty sessional division. The manorial Court, however, is still in existence, and meets annually on the Tuesday in Whitsun week for the election of officers, viz : High Steward and Deputy High Steward, also for the payment of quit rents.

The ancient civil parish of Romford was in 1895, under the operation of the “Local Government Act, 1894” (56 and 57 Vict c 73), divided into three civil parishes, viz : Romford Urban, Romford Rural and Noak Hill. The Urban parish comprised the same area as Urban district, and the Rural the remainder of the old parish except Noak Hill, which will be found under a separate heading. On the amalgamation of Romford Urban and Rural parishes, on April 24th, 1900, the district was divided into wards for parochial purposes., the old town of Romford being divided into the wards of North, Central and South, and the Rural portion into Collier Row and Harold Wood wards: ecclesiastically, it is in the rural deanery of Chafford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of Chelmsford.

The church of St Edward the Confessor, erected in 1850 on the site of the old parish church, built in 1410, is a building of Kentish rag with Bath stone dressings in the later Decorated style, and consists of chancel, nave with clerestory, aisles with chapels and an embattled tower on the south side with a spire 162 feet in height and containing a clock and 8 bells dated respectively 1850, 1756, 1704, 1651 and three others 1636, one being undated; the east window was given by Col Graves in memory of his wife: there is also a stained window in the south aisle to the memory of Edward Ind esq, JP, d 1848: in the north aisle of the church is a stately monument, with alabaster effigies, of himself and his lady and their children in kneeling attitudes to Sir Anthony Cooke (preceptor to King Edward VI); who died June 11, 1576: the Latin inscription on this monument, enumerating the various members of his family, is supposed to have been furnished by his daughters, who were among the learned females of that age: against the south wall of the chancel formerly stood the fine monument, now in the porch, of Sir George Hervey knt, 4th son of Sir Nicholas Hervey of Marks; he had previously been sheriff of Essex, 38 Eliz (1595-6) and was at the time of his death, 10th August 1605, lieutenant of the Tower of London, where he died: but was buried here on the south side of the chancel with heraldic honours: there is a long inscription in gilt letters on a slab of black marble, to himself, his wife and various members of his family: previously placed on the south wall of the chancel, immediately west of the Hervey monument, is the stately tomb, with her recumbent effigy of Anne Carew, raised by her famous son, George, first and only Baron Carew and eventually Earl of Totnes; she was the daughter of Sir Nicholas Hervey, Knt, and sister of Sir George Hervey knt, dean of Windsor; he died 15th of June, 1583 and his wife, 27th August, 1605, at 76: the church will seat 830 persons. The register dates from the year 1561 and is in very good condition. The living is nominally a vicarage, but is rather in the nature of a chaplaincy exempt from ecclesiastical jurisdiction, net yearly value £640, and residence, in the gift of New College, Oxford, who grant the vicar what is termed “a lease”, and held since 1909 by the Rev George Milner Bell, MA, of that College. The church of St John, Mawneys, and St Thomas’s chapel and All Saints’, Squirrels Heath, are attached to the parish church. Near the church are a parish hall, erected in 1909, and a church house, built and endowed in the time of Henry VII, as a chantry priest’s house.

St Andrew’s is an ecclesiastical parish formed June 12, 1856, from the mother parish; the church, erected in 1862 is a plain building of stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch, and a  western belfry, with spire containing 1 bell: there are three stained windows in the chancel: the church affords 600 sittings.. The register dates from the year 1863. The living was declared a rectory May 4, 1866, net yearly value £190, in the gift of New College, Oxford, and held since 1905 by the Rev Henry Robertson Phillpotts, MA, of Keble College, Oxford. St Albans Mission church was built at a cost of £1,300, and opened in October, 1890. The Catholic church, in Park End road, dedicated to St Edward the Confessor, was erected in 1856 by William, 12th Lord Petre, and has a stained east window, inserted in October, 1856, as a memorial to the late Mr C J Macarthy: there are sittings for 300 persons. The Congregational chapel in South Street opened on July 19th, 1877, is of Kentish rag stone in the Gothic style, with a tower and spire, 66 feet in height and was built at a cost; including site, of about £5,000: there are 470 sittings: the building was considerably damaged by fire on Easter Sunday, 1883, and re-opened in November of the same year: attached are Sunday schools for 350 children, built at a cost of £1,400: the church was first founded in 1662. The Baptist chapel, erected in 1847, has 400 sittings; and the Wesleyan Methodist chapel, erected in 1888, 750: the Primitive Methodist chapel, in Victoria Road, built in 1875, 300, and the Evangelical Free Church, built in 1902, in Brentwood road, 350; there is also a Catholic Apostolic church in Manor Road; Barzier’s Yard Mission is in Queen Street; the salvation Army holds its meetings in the old Wesleyan chapel in High Street. The old cemetery is on the High road, to the east of the town.

The corn exchange, in the High Street, is private property, but is let for public meetings and concerts: the large hall will hold over 400 persons. The Lecture hall of the Congregational school is also let for similar purposes. The Public Baths, in Mawney’s road, and opened in 1900, were erected by the Urban District Council at a cost of £9,000 and are available for public entertainments from November to March. The Police station, in South street, was erected in 1893. there are two Volunteer Fire Brigades: the Brewery Brigade, captain J Abrams, and the Urban District Council Brigade, formed in 1890, captain, S Davis and 10 men, mainly the gift of Sir H H Raphael bart, MP, JP, of Allestree Hall, Derby, and opened in 1904, is pleasantly situated on the main road about one mile from the centre of the town. The Coach and Bell, an ancient house in High street, has been a licensed house since the year 1600. The Market place and tolls were purchased in 1892 by the Urban District Council, previous to which they belonged to the manor. A market for cattle, one of the largest round London, is held here every Wednesday. Here is the extensive brewing establishment of Messrs Ind Coope and Co (1912) Limited. The Queen’s House (Social) Club, in High street, was opened 10th April, 1905, by Sir Montagu Turner kt, and has over 300 members. There are three branch banks, and a Working Men’s Club and Institute in the Market place. The Lawn Tennis Club, off Junction Road, has six double courts and 60 members. Here are the head quarters of the 2nd Essex Battery of the 2nd East Anglian Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, and of the A Company of the 4th Battalion of the Essex Regiment, Territorial Force. A drinking fountain was erected in the Market place in Jube, 1885, as a testimony of esteem to the late C I Macarthy from his fellow townsmen. The Victoria Cottage Hospital, erected in 1888, was enlarged in 1894 and again in 1913, and now contains 17 beds and 2 cots.

Charities: Roger Reede of Havering, by will dated 14th February, 1482, left his “new built place in Jay’s Mead, otherwise called Hoo Croft”, for five poor men: these were rebuilt in 1784, and there are now six almshouses; one almsman who preserves order, is called “the ruler”, and receives £43 yearly, the other men £39, the widows £33: all being supplied with clothes, coals and medical aid: clothes are distributed from the surplus to the poor of Romford, Hornchurch and Dagenham. Robert Ballard in 1660 devised two houses in Romford to the churchwardens, for the repair of the highways.. William Armstead, of Hornchurch, gave to the poor of Romford £2, arising from a farm at Hay Green, and distributed in bread and money and Andrew Reynolds, by will dated October 7th, 1626, £3 also as a rent charge. Lewis Betts, by will dated 18th January, 1669, left 20s to repair a causeway leading to the church, £4 for apprenticing and £2 to eight of the necessitous poor on New Years Day. Hannah Richardson left in 1811, £100 Navy Five per cent Annuities, upon trust to distribute the interest to the necessitous poor at Christmas; this sum produces about £3 3s yearly. One Webster by his will gave his housing and appurtenances called “the Tile Kilns”, in Harold Wood ward, upon trust to pay one moiety of the rents to the churchwardens of Romford and Hornchurch respectively. Lady Burleigh’s charity, originally £120, is now only £100, and is lent to various poor tradesmen, free of interest, in sums of £20 each; Palmer’s charity amounts to £7 annually, derived from land in the London Road, and is distributed in cash to the poor of the parish at Christmas; the proceeds of £100, bequeathed by the will of Thomas Bourne, and now invested in Government stocks, is also distributed to the poor at Christmas in cash.

Francis Quarles, the celebrated  author of the “Book of Emblems”, was born in May, 1592 in  the old manor house, called “Stewards”, that manor having been the property of the Quarles family since 1588; he was educated at Christ’s College, Cambridge and became cup bearer to the Queen of Bohemia and about 1621 was appointed secretary to Archbishop Usher, whom he accompanied to Ireland: his resolute adherence to the royal cause during the civil war occasioned him much loss, both of property, books and MSS, and is thought to have hastened his death, which took place 8th September, 1644. Golf links of 18 holes have been formed at Gidea Hall. Marshalls Park, on the north of the town, the property of Mrs MacIntosh, of Havering Park is now (1914) unoccupied. The area of Romford parish and Urban District is 5,613 acres of land and 17 of inland water; rateable value, £98,164; the population in 1901 was 13,656, and in 1911, 16,970, inclusive of 542 inmates and 33 officials in the Workhouse and 88 inmates in the Workhouse Scattered Homes.

The population of the wards in 1911 was :- Central, 3,927; Collier Row, 1,733; Harold Wood, 1.757; North, 4,883; South, 4,670.

The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in 1911 was:- St Edward the Confessor (parish church) with Noak Hill, 7,972; St Andrew, 9,220

Romford Rural Parish was formed in 1895 in pursuance of the “Local Government Act, 1894” (56 and 57 Vict c 73), but was amalgamated with Romford Urban parish in 1900.

Collier Row (Hainault Forest) is a village 2 miles north west. The chapel of the Ascension is an edifice of red brick, erected at a cost of £2,000, defrayed by subscriptions, and consists of a chancel, nave, south porch and a central bell-cot containing one bell: there are sittings for 350 persons: the Rev Joseph Hardwick Pemberton has been curate in charge since 1882. Here is also a news and reading room, originally built at the sole cost of E Conder Esq, but now supported by, and under the management of the members.

Gidea Park, which includes the hamlet of Hare Street, about a mile distant from Romford, is a garden suburb, and is rapidly being developed.

Romford Common is a hamlet of scattered houses commencing about 2 miles north east.

Pillar Letter Box cleared 8 & 11.15 am & 1.15 & 8 pm; Sunday 9 am

Rush Green is a hamlet 1 mile south west. A cemetery of 12 acres about 1 mile from the town, was opened in October, 1871: there are two mortuary chapels and a porter’s lodge; it is under the control of the Romford Urban District Council, who also keep the old cemetery in repair. Romford Isolation Hospital is situated here, and was erected in 1901 by the Romford Urban and Rural District Councils jointly.

Squirrels heath is a village, 1 mile east, with a station on the Great eastern railway. The chapel of All Saints is a wooden building on a brick foundation, erected on land given by Mr Alfred Savill at a cost of £504, defrayed by subscriptions: it consists of chancel, nave and a bell-cot containing one bell, and was dedicated Aug 3rd, 1884, by the Lord Bishop of Colchester: a vestry and parish room were added in 1892: the church will seat 240 persons. Here is a factory belonging to the Great Eastern Railway Co, in which about 80 persons are employed in the making of sheets, horse cloths, sacks etc: a building was erected in 1900 for the preparation of forage and horse provender, and employs about 20 persons.

Official Establishments, Local Institutions etc.

Post, M O & T O & Telephonic Express Delivery Office, South Street – C W Taylor, postmaster. Arrivals :- From London, 1.20, 5.45, 7.30 & 8.30 am & 2, 2.20, 5.35, 6.15, 8 & 9.15 pm. Dispatches:- To London, 2.50, 9.30 & 11.40 am & 12.10, 2.30, 3.30, 4.25, 5 & 9.15 pm. Letter Box closes at 2.30, 9.25, 11.30 & 11.55 am & 2.20, 3.30, 4.25, 4.50, 6.55 & 8.30 pm. Letters delivered in Romford at 7 & 9 am & 2.45, 6.15 & 8.45 pm. Telegraph office open from 8 am to 9 pm

Town Sub-Post & M O Offices:-

Brentwood Road (1 Park Lane, Telephone Call Office – W J Mobsby, sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at 8, 9.30 & 11.15 am & 1.30, 3, 6 & 7.30 pm & 12.30 midnight; Sunday 8 pm

London Road (High Street) – Edwin Jarvis, sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at 8.30 & 11 am & 1.15, 3.30, 5.45, 8 & 10.45 pm; Sunday 7.45 pm

Market place – William Towers Moore, sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at 8.30, 10.30 & 11.30 am & 1.45, 4 , 6.25 & 8 pm & 12 midnight; sunday 8.15 pm

Mildmay Road (Mawney’s) – Edward Henry Canham, sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at 8.30, 9.45 & 11 am & 1.15, 3.30, 6, 7.45 & 10.30 pm; Sundays, 7.45 pm

Victoria Road – Charles Robert Constable, sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at 8.15, 10 & 11.30 am & 1.30, 3.30, 4.30, 6 & 8 pm & 12.30 midnight; Sundays 8.15 pm

Post Office, Shaftesbury Road – Leonard Vale, sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at 8.15, 9.45 & 11.15 am & 1.30, 3.30, 5.45 & 7.45 pm & 12 midnight; Sundays 7.45 pm

Post M & T office, Hare Street – Miss Annie Sparrow, sub-postmistress. Letters are delivered from Romford at 6.45 & 10 am & 1.25, 3.45 & 7.15 pm; dispatched at 8.20, 10.25 & 11.30 am & 3.55 & 8 pm; Sundays, 9.25 am

Post Office, Squirrels Heath – Thomas Maple, sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at 8.25 & 10.25 am & 4 & 8 pm; Sunday, 8.45 am. Victoria road is the nearest money order & Hare Street, 1 mile distant, the nearest telegraph office

Post Office, Collier Row – Ernst James Legg, sub-postmaster. Letters from Romford delivered at 7.20 am & 3.20 & 7.30 pm; dispatched at 7.20 am  & 3.25 & 7.25 pm. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Romford, 2 ½ miles distant

Post  Office, Rush Green – John Rockingham, sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at 11.30 am & 3 & 7.30 pm & 9 am Sunday. Romford is the nearest money order & telegraph office.

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