Man Loaded with Mischielf

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History of Plaistow in 1896

The 1896 Post Office London Suburbs Street Directory of Plaistow

Plaistow 1896 Index  -   Plaistow Index

This is a complete listing from the 1896 Trade Directory of all Private and Commercial residents in Plaistow in 1896. It does not list everybody, usually just those whom either own a property or whom run a  commercial venture. A simple listing of streets on this page links to the relevant street information.

[46] Kelland Road, 357 Barking Road to Webb Street

1 Harrison Walter William, cabinet maker
3 Ingledew Charles, saddler
5 Peck Robert, plumber
7 Davis Hy, corn dealer & dairy
9 Seaborn James William, beer retailer
    Mann T E & Co, emery mills
31 Vaccination Station (Alfred Kennedy, surgeon)
37 Watkins James, grocer

[47] Kent Street, near Castle Tavern, Barking Road

1 Pilgrim Thomas, grocer
5 Butcher John, cats meat dealer

[48] Khartoum Road, 499 Barking Road

west side

9 Otto Ferdinand, sign writer
15 Tomlinson Miss Ellen, dress maker
31 Morgan Miss E, dress maker
43 Allsopp Miss Maud, milliner
77 Cockerton John, grocer
83 Haig James, sign writer

east side

22 Goodwin Leo, relieving officer for West Ham union
    Hickman John Francis (Macaulay Villa)
32 Scriven William T, baker

[49] King Street, 297 Barking Road

east side

2 Bills William, wardrobe dealer
4 Ox Harry, greengrocer
6 Leager Geo, fried fish dealer
8 Hyde Edward, shop

west side

15 Tichener William, shopkeeper
35 Wootton Mrs Florence, oilman

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