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Roman London, the London Wall - West of Moorgate Street.

Roman London - the London wall

These pages are based on a "Royal Commission On Historical Monuments 1834" - actually it is 1928; which is in the public domain.

(25) . London Wall, immediately West of Moorgate Street. In 1882 a stretch of about 43 feet of the wall was uncovered on the site of a house said wrongly, by Loftus Brock, to be No. 55, and was found to underly the street-frontage. Loftus Brock records that this section was similar to the general type.
It was 9 feet 2 inches thick, including 2 feet of mediaeval thickening on the internal face, and was standing 4 feet above the surface and extended "quite 8 feet below." The re-used material described by Brock has been thought to indicate the position of a former bastion, but, in view of the reconstruction of the adjoining stretch of wall described under (26), it is more likely to have formed a part of this later work.

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 10-Jun-2020 23:02:21 BST

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