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Roman London, the London Wall -  Jewry Street, North end

Roman London - the London wall

These pages are based on a "Royal Commission On Historical Monuments 1834" - actually it is 1928; which is in the public domain.

A mapping of the area is always good, modern day compared to pre-1900 maps from the NLS site

(11) . Jewry Street, North end. In 1861 a considerable stretch of the wall on the East side of Jewry Street, immediately South of Aldgate was uncovered in the rebuilding of the premises of Messrs Moses. It lay immediately beneath the frontage of Jewry Street, and according to Loftus Brock, the foundations rested on massive piles. A drawing of this stretch of wall is preserved at the Society of Antiquaries, Red Portfolio, London, I, but contains obvious inaccuracies.

Some of this still remains, and is actually in the cellar of the original Three Tuns, at 36 Jewry street, The pub backs onto Vine street (previously called Little George street). See more about this here, and more detail about the pubs history

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 15:16:13 GMT

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