Man Loaded with Mischielf

Roman London, the London Wall - East of Coleman Street

Roman London - the London wall

These pages are based on a "Royal Commission On Historical Monuments 1834" - actually it is 1928; which is in the public domain.

(26). London Wall, East of Coleman Street. In 1911 excavations on the site of No. 123 revealed a portion of the wall ; the outer face had been cut away. The wall reached to within 2 feet of the pavement-level and extended 10 1/4 feet. below it.
In 1920 the demolition of No. 122 London Wall, at the East angle of Coleman Street, exposed a short length of the wall which presented some unusual features. The core of the wall was not built with the usual care and contained numerous fragments of brick and roofing-tiles; a very haphazard extra layer of bonding-tiles could be traced under the third course above the plinth.
This irregularity was thought not due to rebuilding as the normal double bonding-course was in position above it, but the whole section had been altered and the precise amount of rebuilding done was not easy to determine. The whole face of the wall was exposed at the West end of the site, the base of the plinth being 14 feet below the modern ground-level ; above the plinth were five courses of squared rag-stone and a double bonding-course of brick; above this point the outer face of the wall had fallen away, and had been made good at some uncertain date by a battering plinth 6 feet deep and resting on a rough foundation about 2 feet thick laid against the surviving face of the original wall. Above the batter, the face of the wall resumed the vertical, the face being set back about 10 inches from the original face at the base of the wall. This later vertical face consisted of a double bonding-course surmounted by four courses of rag.
Near the East end of the site a human skull was found half buried, upside down, in the gravel 2 feet from the plinth.

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:13:11 BST

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