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Roman London, the London Wall - Bevis Marks, East end

Roman London - the London wall

These pages are based on a "Royal Commission On Historical Monuments 1834" - actually it is 1928; which is in the public domain.

(13) . Bevis Marks, East end. In 1880 a stretch of about 70 feet of the wall was exposed and removed in the rebuilding at the back of No. 31 Houndsditch.
It formed the boundary at the back of the houses in Bevis Marks, and was standing to a height of 11 3/4 feet. Loftus Brock gives a section of this piece of the wall (Fig. 11) from which it appears that it was nearly 8 feet thick and differed slightly from the normal section already described. On the outside face there were two courses of squared rag below the plinth and four courses above it followed by a triple bonding-course and one course of rag, above which the face had been destroyed. On the inside face above the triple levelling-course of bricks were four courses of rag. the triple bonding-course without a set-back, five courses of rag and a second triple bonding-course.

Back wall at No 17 Bevis Marks - The Red Lion

Back wall at No 17 Bevis Marks - The Red Lion

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 15:16:13 GMT

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