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Roman London, the London Wall - London Wall, All Hallows Church

Roman London - the London wall

These pages are based on a "Royal Commission On Historical Monuments 1834" - actually it is 1928; which is in the public domain.

(18) . London Wall, East of All Hallows Church.
In 1905 a small portion of the wall was uncovered at a distance of 45 foot East of All Hallows Church. The plinth and two courses of squared rag-stone were exposed.

(19) . London Wall, All Hallows Church. In the same year, during the excavations of the bastion beneath the vestry, the lower part of the wall was uncovered. It showed the plinth with four courses of squared rag-stone and a triple bonding-course .

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 10-Jun-2020 23:02:19 BST

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