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Roman London, the London Wall - St. Botolph, Aldersgate churchyard

Roman London - the London wall

These pages are based on a "Royal Commission On Historical Monuments 1834" - actually it is 1928; which is in the public domain.

(31) . St. Botolph, Aldersgate churchyard, South side.
In 1887, in clearing a site for post-office buildings, a stretch of 131 feet of the wall was exposed. The inner face of the wall now forms the North side of the basement area. A total height of 14 feet 4 inches of Roman work was seen. The face consisted of the usual triple levelling-course above the footings,
followed by five courses of squared rag-stone, a double bonding-course of brick, five courses of rag, a second double bonding-course, five courses of rag, a third double bonding-course, two courses of rag and at the same interval a fourth double bonding-course visible in the core of the wall. At each levelling and bonding-course in the usual offset it was estimated that the original thickness at the base was 8 feet.

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:13:07 BST

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