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London 1919 Suburban directory Beer Retailer listing - FG.

This is a listing of the Beer Retailers in 1919.


Faldo Harry H. 107 Plumstead road SE18
Farmer George Edward, 115 Clapham park road SW4
Farram James Arthur, 163 Hill street, Peckham SE15
Farrance Mrs. Milly Eliza, 105 Church street, Stoke Newington N16
Faulkner Mrs. Margaret, 12 Candahar road SW11
Fawcett Tom J. D. 15 Cavendish grove, South Lambeth SW8
Fell Robert, 113 Cater street, Peckham SE15
Fewings William Stone, 20 Cardross street, Hammersmith W6
Finch Chas. Hy. 26 Bloomfield road Plumstead SE18
Fincher Hy. Jn. 130 High street, Plumstead SE18
Fish Ernest J. 108 Landells road, East Dulwich SE22
Fisher Mrs Caroline, 188 Kensal road, North Kensington W10
Fisher Edward Charles, 31 Archway road N19
Fisher Mrs. Mary, 309 High street, Plumstead SEl8
Flight Mrs.Sarah H. 66 High street, Lewisham SE13
Folkes Harry Silas, 183 Plumstead common road SE18
Foreman Arth. 65 Stockwell road, Stockwell SW9
Foreman Chas. 40 Darien road Battersea SW11
Fox Robt.Jas.107 Lancefield street, Queen's park W10
Francis Chas. 1 South side, Clapham common SW4
Freeman George Robert, 26 Addington square, Camberwell SE5
Freeman Thomas Robert, 69 Dennett's road, New Cross SE14
French Fredk. W. 29 Dalwood street, Camberwell SE5
Fripp Frederick, 1 St. Barnabas terrace, Merton road, Wandsworth SW18

Gardener James, 63 Queen street, Hammersmith W6
Garton Miss N. 27 Tyneham road, Battersea SW11
Gascoigne Edward, 35 New road SW8
Gaylor J. 0. 65 Grant road Battersea SW11
Gaze Mrs. Rosina, 575 King's road Fulham SW6
Gent Benjamin J. 113 Estcourt road, Fulham SW6
George Thomas, 131 Dorset road South Lambeth SW8
Gerrish William, 112 King George street, Greenwich SE10
Gibbins Walt. 76 Warple way, Wandsworth SW18
Gibson J. 10 Whateley road, East Dulwich SE22
Gill John, 99 High street, Woolwich SE18
Gladwin William Rt. 5 Jackson street, Woolwich SE18
Glenville Jn. 75 Lugard road, Peckham SE15
Glockling Frederick V . 265 Kensal road, North Kensington W10
Godfrey James, 27 Lower Park road Peckham SE15
Gollop Herbert, 44 Ann street, Plumstead SE18
Gosling Charles, 422 High road, Lee SE12
Gould Arthur Edward, 58 Plumstead common road SE18
Goulding Robert Hy. 47 Frances street, Battersea SW11
Graffham J. 12 Fellbrigg road East Dulwich SE22
Grant Charles William, 23 Kender street, New Cross SE14
Gray Mrs. Mary Ann, 30 Brackenbury road, Hammersmith W6
Green Jn. Edward, 28 Haddo street, Greenwich SE10
Green W. F. 36 Priory grove, South Lambeth SW8
Gregory Alfred Ernest, 106 Millfields road, Lower Clapton E5
Gregory Walter Jn. 181 St. George's road SE15
Griffin George E. 129 High street, Lewisham SEI5
Griffin Hy. John, 438 Wandsworth road SW8
Griffiths Ernest, 181 Clarence road Lower Clapton E
Gusterson John Augustus, 4 Cardinal place, Putney SW15

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