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London Pigots 1827 Licensed Victuallers - Hi

A listing of the Pigots 1827 Licensed Victuallers, wine & spirit merchants etc in London, alphabetically listed by surname of licensee.

George IV is on the throne (1820 to 1830)


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George Hibberd, Hercules Pillars, 18 Great Queen street
David Hickinbotham, St Petersburgh Hotel, and wine and brandy merchant, 45 Dover street, Piccadilly
James Hicks, Dog & Bear, Crucifix lane, Bermondsey
James Hicks, Red Lion, Pearl row, Blackfriars road
Jno Hicks, Cock & Bottle, 39 Crooked lane, Cannon street
Jos Hicks, Plough, 23 Carey street, Lincolns Inn fields
Richard Hicks, Green man, High street, Poplar
William Hidden, Hole in the Wall, John street, Grosvenor square
Jno Higgins, Three Merry Boys, Upper Fore sreet, Lambeth
William Higgs, Sugar Loaf, 41 Wells street, Mile end New town
Jno Higham. Earl of Warwick, 37 Warwick lane
George Hilburn, Sidney Arms, Vincent street, Commercial road
Richard Hilditch, Coal Meters Arms, and wine and brandy merchant, 46 Lower Shadwell
Charles Hildyard, Goldsmiths Arms, 17 Little sutton street, Clerkenwell
James Hildyard, White Bear Inn and Commercial Hotel, Basinghall street, Cheapside
James Hildyard, White Hart, Bell yard, Gracechurch street
Adam Hill, angel, 7 Great Chapel street, Westminster
Edw Hill, Kings Arms, Windmill street, Finsbury
Henry Hill, Crown, Grey Eagle street, Spitalfields
Jno Hill, Archduke Charles, Whitehart row, Kennington
Jno Hill, Ship Tavern & Coffee House, 45 Charing cross
Thomas Hill, Rum Puncheon, 32 Old street, St Lukes
William Hill, Kings Head, Arabella row, Pimlico
William Hill, Bear & Wheatsheaf, 71 Lower Thames street
William Hill, Ship & Lion, Ropemakers fields, Limehouse
William Hillerd, Cock, Wells row, Islington
Jno Hilliard, Brown Bear, 191 Upper Thames street
Jno Hilling, Crown, 356 Oxford street
George Hills, Fortune of War, Giltspur street
Jno Hills, Roe Buck, Tottenham court road
Charles Hillyer, Black Horse, 174 Kent street, Borough
William Hilton, Grays inn Coffee House, 20 High Holborn
Jno Hinchcliffe, Angel & Crown, 112 Wood street, Cheapside
Edward hunckes, Portman Arms, 34 Great Quebec street
James Hinckley, Lion & Quay, 55 Lower Thames street
Peter Hind, Windmill, Windmill row, Kennington green
Samuel Hinder, Manchester Arms, 4 Adams street east
Jno Hine, Red Gate, 34 Kingsgate street, Holborn
Kames Hinkley, Lion & Key, 55 Lower Thames street
William Hinks, New Slaughter Coffee House & Hotel, 82 St martins lane
Jno Scott Hinton, British Lion, 35 Redcross street, Borough
James Hiorns, City of Quebec, 237 Oxford street
Charles Hiram, Cock & Bottle, 21 Bedfordbury, Covent garden
Charles Hitchcock, St Georges Hotel, 33 & 34 Albemarle street, Piccadilly
Jno Hitchcock, Blue Posts, 13 Cork street, Burlington street
Jno Pomroy Hitchcock, Queens Head, Great Guildford street, Borough
M Hitchcock, London Hotel, 43 & 44 Albemarle street, Piccadilly
Jno Hitchcocks, Bunch of Grapes, 15 Crispin street
James Hoare, Bell, 60 Old bailey
Jno Hoare, Three Pigeons & Star, 16 hatfield street, Goswell street
James Hoare, Whitmores Head, Hoxton Oldtown
Thomas Hobbs, Sword & Buckler & Bulls Head, 40 Bermondsey street
William Hochkins, Fountain, 41 Redcross street, Barbican
Richard Hockham, Rose & Crown, 12 Hart street, Golden square
Samuel Hodge, Three Tuns, 87 New Crane, Shadwell
Edward Hodges, Adam & Eve, Bath place, New road
James Hodges, Plasterers Arms, 157 Tottenham court road
John Hodges, White Bear, Kingsland road
Joseph Hodges, Rock, 4 Lisson grove North
Joseph Hodges, Kings Arms, Mill wall, Poplar
Samuel Hodges, The Lord Somers, Union street, Somerstown
Thomas Hodges, Red Cow, 119 Old Gravel lane
Amos Hodgson, Queens Head Tavern, 23 High Holborn
Hannah Hodgson, Britannia, Commercial row, Whitechapel
Harriet Hodgson, Britannia, opposite Limehouse church
Jno Hodgson, The Harp, 23 Aylesbury street, Clerkenwell
Richard Hodgson, Piazza Coffee House and Tavern, Hotel, Great Piazza, Covent garden
Thomas Hodgson, Boot, 94 Grub street
Henry Hodson, Skinners Arms, 31 Judd street, Brunswick square
James Hodson, Portland, 25 High street, Portland town
James Hodson, Crown & Anchor, 63 George street, Somerstown
Jos Hodson, Dark House, Newgate market
Rd Hodson, Royal Champion, Salisbury street, Lisson grove
William Hodson, Neptune, 31 Clarendon street, Somerstown
Abm Holden, White Swan, 26 White street, Little Moorfields
Henry Holden, Devonshire Arms, 77 Devonshire street, Lisson grove North
Charles Holder, Horse & Groom, 29 Castle street, Leicester square
Nathaniel Holder, Tavistock Arms, 22 Great Russell street, Bloomsbury
Henry Holdfield, Star, Star street, Wapping wall
Jos Holdom, Vine Inn, 70 Bishopsgate within
Thomas Holdsworth, Kings Arms, 122 Leadenhall street
Thomas Holdsworth, Old George, 29 Oxford street
Jno Holdup, Hole in the Wall, 2 Kirby street, Hatton garden
Jno Hole, Weavers Arms, 42 Aldermanbury
Thoms Holl, Holls Hotel, White Bear Inn and Tavern, 221 Piccadilly
Sarah Holland, Salopian Coffee House and Hotel, Charing cross
Henry Holling, Rose & Crown, 79 Wentworth street, Whitechapel
Jno Hollingsworth, Black Swan, 71 Bermondsey street
Thomas Hollyman, wine & brandy merchant, 136 Bishopsgate street - Black Raven
Jno Holman, Exeter Arms, 1 Burleigh street, Strand
Ann Holmes, White Hart, Great Turner street, Commercial road
George Holme, White Horse & Half Moon, 54 London wall
Jane Holmes, Holmes Hotel, 77 Parliament street, Westminster
Jno Holmes, Two Brewers, Little St Andrew street, Seven Dials
John Holocombe, Reformation, 27 Long acre
Mary Holroyd, Green Dragon, Great Maddox street
William Holroyd, Ciceronian Coffee and chop house, 11 Old Bailey
Henry Holt, Golden Cross, 4 Cros lane, Long acre
Jas Holt, "carrier", Axe Inn, Aldermanbury
Jno Holt, Duje of Bedford, Old Gravel lane, Wapping
William Holt, Kings Head, 42 Threadneedle street
William Holton, Bell, 9 Great Carter lane, Doctors commons
James Homas, Half Moon, 62 Strutton ground, Westminster
Benj Homer, King & Queen, 50 Hare street, Bethnal green
George Homer, Old Kings Head, Belvidere road, Lambeth
Jno Homer, Ship & Shovel, Steels yard, St Thomas's street, Borough
Ralph Homer, Kings Head, 16 King street, St James's
Thomas Homewood, Hope, Pollards row, Bethnal green
George Hone, Frying Pan, 207 Brick lane, Spitalfields
William Honey, Worcester coffee rooms, 16 Braod street, Bloomsbury
Edw Honeyball, Coopers Arms, Rose street, Covent garden
Fras Robert Honeyman, Surrey Theatre Coffee House, Blackfriars road
Stephen Honeysett, Old White Horse, Moor lane
Andrew Hood, White Hart, White hart row, Gravel lane
Charles Hood, White Hart, Bethnal green road
James Hooper, Kings Arms, 1 Shepherds market, Mayfair
Jno Hooper, Hercules tavern, Hercules court, Old Broad street
Jos Hooper, Star, 37 Aldersgate street
Josh Hooper, Oval, 6 Upper Grosvenor street
William Hooton, White Horse, Brooks mews, davies street
Thomas Hope, Hopes Coffee house, 41 Haymarket
Jno Hopewell, Weavers Arms, 13 Crown street, Finsbury
_ Hopkins, White Hart, Vine court, Spitalfields
James Hopkins, White Horse, 21 Castle street East
William Hopkins, White Hart, 10 Vine court, Spitalfields
James Hopton, Crown, 7 Crown street, Soho
George & Fras Horn, Dukes Head, 16 Vine street, Hatton garden
Thomas Horne, Edinburgh Castle, 11 Welbeck street
Ralph Horner, Kings Head, King street, St James's
Samuel Nevell Horner, Grapes, 177 High street, Borough
Thomas Horning, Fowler, Nightingale lane, Limehouse
James Horris, Guinea, Bruton mews, Bond street
William Horrod, greyhound and wine and brandy merchant, 7 New Compton street, S Giles
Francis Horsley, Coopers Arms, 19 Budge row
Jos Horsley, Golden Lion, 24 Cannon street road, St Georges East
James Horwood, Admiral Duncan, 38 Old Compton street, Soho
Jno Hotchkiss, Old Justice, Mint street, Borough
Thomas Houghton, Kings Head, Alfred place, Newington causeway
William Houghton, George, Goodmans yard, Goodmans fields
Jos Houseman, Three Kings, Kings yard, Piccadilly
Henry How, Old Corner Pin, 1 Goswell street
William How, Grecian Coffee House & Hotel, 19 Devereux court, Essex street, Strand
James Howard, Coach & Horses, 4 Avery row, Grosvenor square
Thomas Howard, Beckford Head, Long lane, Borough
Thomas Howard, City Arms, Andersons buildings, City road
William Howard, St Helena gardens, Deptford Lower road
Howards Coffee house & Tavern, House of Commons
Henry Howe, White Hart, 1 Goswell street
Theophilus Howe, Hoxton square Coffee House, Hoxton square
William Howe, Black Swan, 24 Little carter lane
Eliza Howes, Black Horse, 62 York street, Westminster
Rd Howlett, Three Jolly Bakers, 6 Little Chesterfield street, Marylebone
Rt Howroyd, Bedford Coffee Rooms, 9 Warwick lane, City
Jos Howse, Nags Head, 80 Grays Inn lane
Susannah Howson, Admiral Vernon, 7 New Nicholls street, Bethnal green
Henry Hubard, Queens Head, Queens row, Bethnal green
Jacob Hubbard, Baker & Basket, 12 Red Lion street, Whitechapel
William Huddle, Old London Bridge, Maze pond, Borough
E Hudson, Waynes Hotel, 22 Conduit street, Bond street
Jno Hudson, Punch Bowl, Farm street, Berkeley square
Jos Hudson, Half Moon Tap, Leadenhall market
James Thomas Hue, Kings Head tavern, West Smithfield
James Huggett, White Lion, 13 Hemmings row
Edward Hughes, Lord Nelson, Upper Charlton street, Fitzroy square
Eliz Hughes, Half Moon and Bulls head, 267 Rotherhithe street
Henry Hughes, Crown and Still, 15 Clare street, Clare market
John Hughes, Two Angels and Crown, 10 Upper St Martins lane
John Hughes, Ship and Green Dragon, King street, Old Gravel lane
Jn Ely Hughees, Queens Head, 84 High street, Borough
Martin Hughes, Blue Posts, 23 Brewer street, Golden square
My Hughes, Flower Pot, 115 Bishopsgate street within
Rt Hughes, Bunch of Grapes, & wine merchant, George street, Minories
Thomas Hughes, St Lukes Head, Church lane, SMartins lane
Joseph Hull, Three Jolly Butchers, Market row, Newport market
William Hull, Horse & Groom, Hosier lane, West Smithfield
Thopmas Hullah, One Tun, 2 Goodge street, Tottenham court road
John Hulme, Alfred Head, Alfred street, Stepney
John Hulse, Park Coffee House, 30 Worcester street, Borough
Francis Jos Humbert, Hyde Park Hotel, & wine and brandy merchant, Hyde place, opposite Park lane
George Humble, Northumberland Arms, 119 tottenham court road
Henry Humby, Green Man, 9 Bucklersbury
George Hume, Grapes, 23 Whitecross street, Cripplegate
George Hummerston, White Horse, Orchard street, Westminster
John Humphreys, Red Lion, 72 High Holborn
William Humphreys, Hampshire Hog, 90 Berwick street, Soho
John Humphries, London Apprentice, 5 Margaret street, Cavendish square
John Humphries, The Peacock, Holland street, Blackfriars
John Humphryes, Farnham castle, Little Trinity lane, City
Samuel Humplett, Two Chairmen, 32 Dean street, Soho
Allen Hunt, Three Compasses, 66 Cowcross street
David Hunt, Old Dukes Head, Mint street, Borough
Edw Hunt, White Horse, Shorts gardens, Drury lane
John Hunt, Three Castles, St Andrews hill
John Hunt, George & Dragon, 9 Great Queen street, Lincolns Inn fields
Richard Hunt, Two Brewers, Fore street, Limehouse
Thomas William Hunt, Old Coach & Horses, 118 High Holborn
Sarah Hunter, Black Horse, High street, Poplar
William Hunter, George, 113 Cock hill, Ratcliffe
William Hunter, Turks Head, 236 Rotherhithe
George Hurst, George IV, Vauxhall Bridge road
Jno Hussey, Kings Head, 18 Bear street, Leicester square
Thomas Hussey, Lord Bolingbroke, Chicksand street
James Hutchings, Lukes Head, King street, Grosvenor square
Ts Hutchins, Blue Anchor, 128 Brook street, Ratcliffe
Benj Hutchinson, Greenland Fishery, 6 Wapping wall
Johanna Hutchinson, Black Horse, 114 Aldersgate street
William Hutchinson, Barley Mow, Frog lane, islington
William Hutchison, Crooked Billet, Hermitage wharf
Richard Hutt, Watermans Arms, Old Castle street, Bethnal green
Edw Hutton, Crown, 156 Whitecross street, Cripplegate
William Hutton, Kings Arms tavern, & wine & brandy merchant, 61 Lower Thames street
James Hyde, Wheat Sheaf, 365 Oxford street

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:34:44 BST

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