Ship & Half Moon, Rodney Street, Woolwich

At Ship stairs in 1852; at Globe Lane in 1862; and at 13 Nelson Street & Rodney Street in 1891 and 1896

Woolwich index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Woolwich, Kent .

Residents at this address

Morning Advertiser 30 August 1831
Harlequin Steam Packet - Excursion for Pleasure to Southend, and land for three hours to view pier, &c and back before dark - Captain Corbin and Mr Poole (Steward), having been solicited by many families and Friends to make this select excursion, have fixed the same for Thursday, next, September 1. To prevent incovnience, the number of visitors will be limited - an early application for Tickets is therefore recommended. Tickets 6s each (Children half price), to be had of Captain Corbin, on board, and of the following Gentlemen:
Mr I Finney, Tottenham, Middlesex;
Mr Rusby, Ship Tavern, Water lane;
Mr Mount, Tower street; Mr Garland, Leadenhall market; Mr Merrell, Leadenhall market; Mr Parker, Mill lane, Tooley street;
Mr Cole, Lion and Lamb, Charles street, Horselydown;
Mr Cotton, White Swan, Deptford;
Me Eales, White Hart, Greenwich;
Mr Lutton, Salutation, Greenwich;
Mr F Sales, Woolwich;
Mr Saunders, Gloucester Arms, Kent road;
Mr Reeves, Kings Head, Stratford;
Mr Bird, Yorkshire Stingo, Paddington;
Mr Ward, Edgware road;
Mr Skearsley, Cheshire Cheese, Vinegar yard, Drury lane;
Mr Ward, Hatter, Clare street; Mr Cox, Crown street, Soho; Mr Cox, Carnaby market;
Mr Desormeaux, George and Vulture, Ratcliff highway;
Mr Clifton, Three Tuns, Jewry street;
Mr Carr, Bonner street;
Mr Mills, Barking Dog, Tabernacle walk;
Mr Kemp, Woolpack, St John street;
Mr Hurrell, City road;
Mr Waterfield, Ship and Half Moon, Woolwich;
Mr Mead, Lion and Lamb, Lewisham;
Mr Curtis, Rum Puncheon, Gravesend;
Mr Beadle, Erith;
Mr Gill, Fountain, Lower Sloane street, Chelsea;
and Mr Parsonage, 149 Old street, Goswell street;
The Vessel will leave the New Steam Packet Wharf, St Katherines, at Nine precisely.

1840/Fras Pallett/../../../Post Office Directory

1852/J B Wheatley/../../../Archdeacons Directory

May 1853/Mary Ann Watts/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

May 1853/Charles Hart/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1858/Charles Hart/../../../Melvilles Directory

1862/Charles Hart, Ship & Half Moon, & coal merchant, Globe lane/../../Post Office Directory

Kentish Independent. 25 August 1866 Annual Licensing Day
Ship and Half Moon, Nelson Street, Charles Hart

1867/Ship & Half Moon, C Hart, Globe lane, Woolwich/../../Post Office Directory

1871/Elizabeth Morrell/Manager to Licensed Victualler, Widow/50/Woolwich, Kent/Census
1871/Clara M Morrell/Daughter/24/Woolwich, Kent/Census
1871/Alfred H Morrell/Son/22/../Census
1871/Georgina White/Servant/21/Norwich, Norfolk/Census

1874/Charles Hart/../../../Post Office Directory

1882/Charles Hart, Ship & Half Moon, Rodney Street, Woolwich/../../Post Office Directory

1891/Walter Emery/Manager Licensed Victualler/30/Regent Street, London/Census
1891/Mary Emery/Wife, Manageress/28/Laleson, South Wales/Census
1891/Willie Emery/Son/9/Regent Street, London/Census
1891/Major Emery/Son/6/Regent Street, London/Census

1896/Charles Hart/../../../Post Office Directory

1904/Henry James Hart/../../../Post Office Directory

1905/Henry James Hart/../../../Post Office Directory

1908/Ambrose Caley/../../../Post Office Directory

London Evening Standard 28 October 1908
Licensing Act 1904 Notice of principal meeting to discuss by the Compensation authority on the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th July 1908 Blackheath
Ship and Half Moon, Nelson street, Woolwich, Full, Ambrose Caley

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