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Mitre, 145 High Street, Woolwich SE18

Woolwich index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Woolwich, Kent .

Mitre, 145 Woolwich High Street, SE18 - in October 2007

Mitre, 145 Woolwich High Street, SE18 - in October 2007

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address

In 1851 at 145 High street is the Mitre :
William Dunbar, Licensed Victualler, aged 39 and born in Woolwich, Kent
Jane Dunbar, Wife, aged 36 and born in Weedon, Northampton
William Dunbar, Son, aged 12 and born in Woolwich,
William Doughty, Uncle, Waterman, aged 62 and born in Woolwich, Kent
Ann Molan, House Servant, aged 23 and born in Woolwich, Kent
Mary Pulls, House Servant, Widow aged 38 and born in Harwich, Norfolk

1852/William Dunbar/../../../Archdeacons Directory

May 1853/William Dunbar/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

May 1853/Charles Thomas Green/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

Kentish Mercury. 10 September 1853 - Applications for music licenses
Charles Green, Mitre

1858/Charles Thomas Green/../../../Melvilles Directory

1862/Charles Thomas Green,  Mitre tavern, 145 High Street, Woolwich/../../../Post Office Directory

Kentish Independent. 25 August 1866 Annual Licensing Day
Mitre, High Street, Charles Thomas Green

1867/Mitre, C T Green, 145 High street, Woolwich/../../Post Office Directory

January 1869/C T Green, deceased/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

January 1869/William Henry Plume/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1871/William H Plume/Licensed Victualler/55/Hampshire/Census
1871/Mary Plume/Wife/55/London/Census
1871/Alfred Plume/Son/19/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1871/Matilda Morran/Grand Daughter/9/Woolwich, Kent/Census
1871/William West/Grandson/6/Woolwich, Kent/Census
1871/Geraldine Mangor/Servant/22/Warwickshire/Census
1871/Emma Wilson/Servant/18/London/Census
1871/Charles Richardson/Servant/21/London/Census

1874/Henry Plume/../../../Post Office Directory

1881/John Plume/Licensed Victualler/32/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1881/Emily S Plume/Wife/32/Woolwich, Kent/Census
1881/John Plume/Son/4/Woolwich, Kent/Census
1881/Irvine Plume/Daughter/3/Plumstead, Kent/Census
1881/Ethel Plume/Daughter/7 months/Woolwich, Kent/Census
1881/Sarah A J/Barmaid/21/London/Census

1882/John Plume, Mitre, 145 High Street, Woolwich/../../Post Office Directory

1896/John Plume/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Henry James Vaughan/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Henry James Vaughan/Licensed Victualler/29/Woolwich, London/Census
1901/Annie Eugenie Vaughan/Wife/18/Custom House, Essex/Census

1904/Augustus White/../../../Post Office Directory

Kentish Independent 13 May 1904 - Transfers
Mitre, Woolwich, from A White to William Edward Duffell

1905/William Duffell/../../../Post Office Directory

1908/Mrs Emma B Duffill/../../../Post Office Directory

1911/Thomas Henry Cribb/../../../Post Office Directory

Thomas Henry Cribb of the Mitre Pub, 145 High Street, Woolwich, Kent. Died 11-12-1916[56]. £1531 5s 10d. To Susanna Cribb, widow./Probate *

1919/Charles Coles/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/Charles Coles/../../../Post Office Directory

1934/David Wright/../../../Kellys Directory

1938/David Wright/../../../Post Office Directory

1944/David Wright/../../../Post Office Directory

* Provided By John Carnaby

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