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Rose and Crown, 26 Downing street, St Margaret, Westminster SW1

Westminster St Margaret index

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address

In 1752, the George Lodge, is listed at the Rose and Crown, Downing Street, Westminster; a Masonic Lodge

The George Lodge meets at the Rose and Crown, Downing street, Westminster, London in 1784

9 October 1798 / Insured: John Hamlin, the Rose and Crown, corner of Downing Street and King Street, victualler/../Records held at the LMA

16 January 1801 / Insured: Owen Williams, the Rose and Crown, the corner of Downing Street in King Street Westminster, victualler../Records held at the LMA

1805/Francis Dukes, the Rose and Crown, Downing street, Westminster/../../Holdens Directory

In 1810, John Lockie describes as "Downing Street, Westminster, on the South side of the treasury, by the North end of King Street or the second on the Right about 1/4 of a mile from Charing cross towards Westminster abbey."

1825/Mr Dixon, Rose and Crown, Downing street, Westminster/../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1827/John Dixon, Rose & Crown, Downing street, Westminster/../../Pigots Directory

1827/John Dixon, Rose and Crown, Downing street/../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1829/John Dixon, Rose & Crown, 26 Downing street, Westminster/../../Robsons Directory

1830/Mr Dixon, Rose and Crown, Downing street, Westminster/../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1833/John Dixon, Rose & Crown, 26 Downing street, Westminster/../../Pigots Directory

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