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Blue Boars Head, 34 King Street, St Margaret, Westminster

Westminster St Margaret pub history index

It must be remembered that there was then no Parliament Street, and the palace buildings occupied all the ground from Old Scotland Yard to Downing Street, from St. James's Park to the river.
When Parliament Street was made it effaced Clinker's Court, White Horse Yard, Lady's Alley, Stephen's Alley, Rhenish Wine Yard, Brewers' Yard, and Pensioners' Alley—some of the slums which had sprung up outside the Abbey precincts. Now Parliament Street in its turn is effaced, swallowed up in an extended Whitehall. King Street has been completely swept away, as one sweeps a row of crumbs from a cloth, but the part it played in the ancient history of Westminster is not yet forgotten.

Parliament Street and King Street have now been merged in one, and together have become a part of Whitehall, so that the very names will soon be forgotten. Yet King Street was once the direct land route to the Abbey and Palace from the north, and its narrow span was perforce wide enough for all the pageantry of funerals, coronations, and other State shows that passed through it. It must be remembered that King Street formerly ran right up to the Abbey precincts, from which it was separated by a gate-house, called Highgate, built by Richard II.



In the Morgans 1682 Map of London in King street are isted '191 Blew boar Inne' and '192 George yard'

In the Morgans 1682 Map of London in King street are isted '191 Blew boar Inne' and '192 George yard'.

In the John Rocques 1746 Map of London are Blue Boars Head Inn and Yard, and also George Inn and Yard running between King street and De Le Hay street.

In the John Rocques 1746 Map of London are Blue Boars Head Inn and Yard, and also George Inn and Yard running between King street and De Le Hay street.

Also known as the Boar’s Head and the Blue Boar. Renumbered as 3 King Street in 1890.

One of the oldest inns in Westminster, dating back to the late 14th Century. Extensions in 1396 and 1401 gave it 16 bedchambers, sumptuously furnished.
It is marked and named on Strype’s map of 1720, and stood on the West side of King Street, close to the southern end. The construction of Westminster Bridge and Great George Street in 1750 led to the demolition of the old pub and its stable yard, which were rebuilt a short distance to the north. It was finally demolished, along with what was left of King Street, in 1899. *

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address

In the Morgans 1682 Map of London in King street are isted '191 Blew boar Inne'.

In 1708 : A New View of London by Edward Hatton is listed Blue boar inn, on the West side of King street, Westmnster. The fifth turning South from Gardiners lane.

In the John Rocques 1746 Map of London are Blue Boars Head Inn and Yard, running between King street and De Le Hay street.

1825/Mr Munnings/../../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1830/Mr Munnings, Blue Boars Head, King street, Westminster makes a one guinea Susbscription to the Licensed Victuallers Association

1832/John Munnings, Boars Head, 34 King street, Westminster/../../Robsons Directory

1833-34/John Munnings/../../../Pigots Directory

1839/Michael Eastgate/../../../Pigot’s Directory *

1841/M Eastgate/../../../Trade Directory *

1841/Michl. Eastgate/Publican/43/outside Middlesex/Census *
1841/S. Eastgate/../48/ outside Middlesex/Census
1841/Mary Rankin/Niece and Barmaid/17/ outside Middlesex/Census
1841/Mary Buckley/../26/outside Middlesex/Census
1841/Joseph Kibbit/../25/Middlesex/Census
Plus 3 other males, aged about 20, for whom no details are known.

1851/George Lancaster/../../../Kellys Directory

1851/George Lancaster/Publican, Widow/47/Durham/Census
1851/Henry Lancaster/Brothger/40/Blackheath, Kent/Census
1851/Mrs Lancaster/Wife/38/Oxfordshire/Census
1851/Wm Champion/Barman/21/Ashford, Kent/Census

30th Jan 1853/License transfer from George Lancaster to Robert Clint Thornton/../../../The Era *

1856/Henry Dearth/../../../Post Office Directory

3rd Mar 1858/License transfer from Louis James Dearth to Eleanor Dearth/../../../The Era *

LJD was executor of Henry Dearth (decd) and Eleanor his widow.

13th Nov 1860/License transfer from Eleanor Dearth to George Reid/../../../The Era *

1861/George Reid/Licensed Victualler/43/Hammersmith Middlesex/Census *
1861/Eliza Reid/Wife/46/Westminster Middlesex/Census
1861/George Reid/Son/4/Christchurch Surrey/Census
1861/Isabella Reid/Daughter/11/Lambeth Surrey/Census
1861/John Stone/Potman/40/Turkdean Gloucestershire/Census

5th Nov 1867/License transfer from George Reid to William George King/../../../The Era *

1869/Wm Geo King/../../../Post Office Directory

1871/Charlotte King/Licensed Victualler, Widow/46/London/Census
1871/Isabella King/Daughter/23/London/Census
1871/William H King/Son/18/London/Census
1871/Augusta L King/Daughter/16/London/Census
1871/Henry Alfred King/13/London//Census
1871/Kate Elizabeth King/Daughter/11/London/Census
1871/Alice Maud King/Daughter/8/London/Census
1871/Pater Elwyn Wrench/Potman/22/Cambridge/Census
1871/Mary Laiton/Visitor/28/London/Census

1881/Charlotte King/Licensed Victualler, Widow/56/Kensington, Middlesex/Census
1881/Henry A King/Son, Licensed Victualler/23/Holborn, Middlesex/Census
1881/Kate E King/Daughter/21/Holborn, Middlesex/Census
1881/Alice M King/Daughter/18/Holborn, Middlesex/Census
1881/Christiana J West/Niece, Barmaid/19/Bermondsey, Surrey/Census

1882/Mrs C King/../../../Post Office Directory

1882/Mrs C King/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Mrs C King/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Charlotte King/Licensed Victualler/64/Kensington London/Census *
1891/Henry A King/Son and Manager/23 /Westminster London/Census
1891/Alice King/Daughter-in-Law and manager/32/Lambeth London/Census
1891/Alice King/Granddaughter/4/Westminster London/Census
1891/Henry E King/Grandson/3/Lambeth London/Census
1891/William G King/Grandson/2/Westminster London/Census
1891/William H King/Grandson/1/Westminster London/Census
1891/Minnie Chew/Barmaid/18/Westminster London/Census
1891/Selina Smith/Barmaid/18/Westminster London/Census
1891/Maude E Price/Visitor/18/Peckham London/Census
1891/Laura Field/Domestic Servant/14/Westminster London/Census

1899/Edward Lincoln/../../../Post Office Directory

* Provided By John Hills

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