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Westminster St John index
Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.
Residents at this address.
1805/J Newton, Half Moon, Strutton ground, Westminster/../../Holdens Directory
1811/James McLeod, Half Moon & French Horn, Strutton ground, Westminster /../../Holdens Directory
Homan, Half Moon, Strutton Ground, Westminster/../../Licensed Victuallers Association
1829/J Homan, Half Moon, 62 Strutton ground, Westminster /../../Robsons Directory
1830/Mrs Homan, Half Moon, Strutton ground, Westminster makes a one guinea Susbscription to the Licensed Victuallers Association
1833-34/James Homan, Half Moon, 62 Strutton ground, Westminster /../../Pigots
1836/John Garner, Half Moon, 62 Strutton ground, Westminster /../../Pigots
1839/John Garner, Half Moon, 62 Strutton ground, Westminster /../../Pigots
1841/John Garner, Half Moon, 62 Strutton ground, Westminster /../../Post
Office Directory
1843/John Garner, Half Moon, 62 Strutton ground, Westminster /../../Post
Office Directory
1848/Mrs S Garner, Half Moon, 62 Strutton ground, Westminster/../../Post
Office Directory
1849/Mrs S Garnar, Half Moon, 62 Strutton ground, Westminster /../../Post
Office Directory
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