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Crown, Swallow street, Westminster

Westminster St James index

All of Swallow street except the lowest section was demolished to make way for Regent street in about 1815.

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

21 December 1791/Insured: William Robinson, 111 Swallow Street, victualler/../Records held at the LMA

11 November 1791/Insured: Samuel Moody, Pall Mall, esq - Other property or occupiers: Norton Falgate (Bright, chandler); The Two Brewers, Hog Lane, near Pall Mall (John Jones, victualler); Brewhouse Yard (Wallis, coach master; Russell, dyer and rag merchant; J. Peck, wheelwright); The Crown, Swallow Street (Wm Robinson, victualler)

1805/Mary Rowlands, victualler, Old Crown, 112 Swallow street, Piccadilly/../../Holdens Directory

12 May 1807/Insured: Thomas Duggon, The Crown, Swallow Street, Oxford Street, victualler - Other property or occupiers: 15 Gees Court, Oxford Street/../Records held at the LMA

Oracle and the Daily Advertiser 15 April 1809
To Brewers, Distillers and Publicans - Valuable Public houses, Swallow street and Maddox street, near Hanover square, with immediate possession.
Leases for thirty one years, at small reserved rents, of three old established and well accustomed Public Houses; viz - the Paviors Arms, in Swallow street, the Crown in Swallow street, and the Coach and Horses in Maddox street, near Hanover square, in the occupation of Messrs Long, Pearson and Green, whose terms therein expired at Old Lady Day last, and are now holding over on sufferance, so that the purchaser may have immediare possession.

1811/Henry Gaskin, Crown, Swallow street/../../Holdens Directory

Enoch Lodge Freemasons membership initiated February 2nd 1812, Henry Gaskin, Victualler, Swallow street, from 1814 to 1821

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:09:47 BST

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