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Printers Arms, 23 New Church court, St Mary le Strand WC2

Strand index

The Printers Arms by 1846, previously named the Curriers Arms by 1836, and before that the Aberdeen Arms.

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

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You may also wish to take a look at the St Clements Danes parish.

The following entries are in this format:

Residents at this address.

1827/Richard Donnithorne, Aberdeen Arms, New Church court, opposite Somersdet house, Strand/../../Pigots Directory

1832/Richard Smith, Aberdeen Arms, New Church court, Strand/../../Robsons Directory

1833-34/Richard Smith, Aberdeen Arms, 5 New Church court, Strand/../../Pigots Directory

1836/John Hudson, Curriers Arms, 23 New church court, Strand/../../Pigots Directory

1839/John Hudson, Curriers Arms, 23 New church court, Strand/../../Robsons Directory

1841/James Hartley/Publican/30/../Census
1841/Mary Hartley/../30/../Census
1841/Mary Hartley/../2/Middlesex/Census
1841/William Hartley/../2 months/Middlesex/Census
1841/Mary Taplin/Female Servant/16/Middlesex/Census

1842/J Hartley, Curriers Arms, 23 New church court, Strand/../../Robsons Directory

1846/J Dent, Printers Arms, 23 New Church court, Strand/../../Post Office Directory

1851/George Scown/../../../Kellys Directory

1851/George Scown/Licensed Victualler/36/Exeter, Devon/Census
1851/Ann Scown/Wife/34/Frimley, Huntingdonshire/Census
1851/Ann Elizabeth Scown/Daughter/9/Westminster/Census
1851/George Byrne/Lodger, Printer/50/Ireland/Census
1851/John Fox/Lodger, Printer/45/Ireland/Census
1851/Charles Sealand/Potman/19/Oxford/Census
1851/Charles West/Visitor, Smith/20/Woking, Surrey/Census
1851/Isaac Wilson/Lodger, Baker/35/Exeter, Devon/Census
1851/Elizabeth Scown/Housemaid/13/Teignmouth, Devon/Census
1851/John Cox/Visitor, Currier/35/Collyton, Devon/Census

August 1855/Printers Arms, New Church court, John Ringer to John Power Rivers/../../The Era

1856/John Power Rivers/../../../Post Office Directory

April 1856/John Power Rivers/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

April 1856/Charles Clark/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper


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