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Red Lion, 6 White Horse Alley, St Sepulchre EC1

St Sepulchre index

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

1833-34/Anna Cummins, Red Lion, Whitehorse alley, Cowcross/../../Pigots Directory

1841/James Kenny/Publican/28/Middlesex/Census
1841/Eliza Kenny/../27/../Census
1841/Eliza Kenny/../4/Middlesex/Census
1841/Ellen Sheveman/Female Servant/22/Ireland/Census

1848/James Kenny, Red Lion, Whitehorse alley, Cowcross/../../Post Office Directory

1851/James Kenny/../../../Kellys Directory

1851/James Kenny/Licensed Victualler/38/Bethnal Green, Middlesex/Census
1851/Elizth Kenny/Wife/44/Pinchbeck, Lincolnshire/Census
1851/Ekiza A Kenny/Daughter/14/St Sepulchre, Middlesex/Census
1851/Honora Kenny/General Servant/18/St Sepulchre, Middlesex/Census
1851/Eliza Upton/Visitor/26/Pinchbeck, Lincolnshire/Census

1856/James Kenny, Red Lion, Whitehorse alley, Cowcross/../../Post Office Directory

Morning Advertiser 23 November 1863
Red Lion, White Horse alley, James Hunter to Michael Isaac Emanuel

November 1866/late tenant quit/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

November 1866/Stokeburn Huthwaite/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

March 1872/Removal of license from Red Lion, White Horse alley to Springfield Park House, Wood Green, Edmonton for occupier Robert Patley/Licensee/../../Era

** Provided By Stephen Harris

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