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Red Lion, 6 Fleet Lane, St Sepulchre EC4

St Sepulchre index

This is the Fleet lane, Old Bailey

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

1806/Mr Wells, Red Lion, Fleet lane/../../London Brewery 1806 customer for supplying the public with genuine malt liquor

1829/Henry Smith, Red Lion, Fleet lane, Farringdon street/../../Robsons Directory

1832/Henry Smith, Red Lion, 5 Fleet lane, Old Bailey/../../Robsons Directory

1839/Henry Barwick/../../../Pigots Directory

1841/Mrs Ann Barwick/../../../Kellys Directory

1841/Ann Barwick/Victualler/50/Middlesex/Census
1841/James Dear/Coachman/27/Middlesex/Census

1842/Ann Barwick, Red Lion, 5 Fleet lane, Old Bailey/../../Robsons Directory

1848/Philip H Picot/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/Philip H Picot/../../../Kellys Directory

1851/Phillip Henry Picot/Licensed Victualler/29/St Heliers, Jersey, British subject/Census
1851/Mary Golding/Housekeeper, Widow/56/Kings Clare, Hampshire/Census

1856/George Head/../../../Post Office Directory

** Provided By Stephen Harris


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