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George Tavern, 1 George Court, 81 Snow Hill, St Sepulchre EC1

St Sepulchre index

The name is given as the Old George in 1851 and earlier, and in the 1839 Directory; the address is given as 80 Snowhill. The pub should not be confused with the Old George nearby on Old George Yard. *

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address

Holborn Bridge in mappping by Ogilbys in 1676 - Swan Inn is A89 ; Kings Arms is A90 ; Rose Inn is A91 ; George Inn is A92.

Holborn Bridge in mappping by Ogilbys in 1676 - Swan Inn is A89 ; Kings Arms is A90 ; Rose Inn is A91 ; George Inn is A92

Swan Inn, Holborn Bridge in mappping by Morgans in 1682; lists the Swann Inne by name; 181 Kings Armes Inne ; 182 George Inne  ; and 183 Rose Inne

Swan Inn, Holborn Bridge in mappping by Morgans in 1682; lists the Swann Inne by name; 181 Kings Armes Inne ; 182 George Inne ; and 183 Rose Inne.

Swan Inn, Holborn Bridge in mappping by Rocques in 1746; and also Kings Arms, and George Inn; plus Rose Inn further down.

Swan Inn, Holborn Bridge in mappping by Rocques in 1746; and also Kings Arms, and George Inn; plus Rose Inn further down.

St Sepulchre index

In 1708 : A New View of London by Edward Hatton lists George Inn, on the North side of Snow hill, near Holborn bridge, a passage into Cow lane, near Hosier lane end.

John Strype Survey of London in 1720 lists '113 Georg Inn' - Farringdon Without Ward.

1806/Mr Slaney, George, Snow hill/../../London Brewery 1806 customer for supplying the public with genuine malt liquor

1827/Benjamin Bye, George, Snowhill/../../../Pigot's Directory

1829/Benjamin Bye, George, Snowhill/../../../Pigot's Directory

1832/Thomas Tatchell, George Inn Tavern, Snowhill/../../Robsons

1839/John Peacock/../../../Pigot's Directory *

1841/John Peacock/../../../Post Office Directory *

1841/Hannah Peacock/Independant/55/../Census
1841/Elizabeth Peacock/../30/../Census
1841/William Peacock/../6/../Census
1841/Abraham Peacock/../18 months/../Census
1841/Ann Smith/Female Servant/12/../Census

1842/William Freeman/../../../Post Office Directory *

1848/John Straughan/../../../Post Office Directory *

1851/John Straughan/../../../Kellys Directory *

1856/Thomas Burnmann/../../../Post Office Directory *

1869/Charles Polley/../../../Post Office Directory *

* Provided By Ewan

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