Man Loaded with Mischielf

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Antelope, West Smithfield, St Sepulchre EC1

St Sepulchre index

West Smithfield in 1682

West Smithfield in 1682

170 Castle Inne ; 172 Ram Inne ; 173 Rose Inne ; 191 Kings head Inne ; 192 Grayhound Inne ; 193 George Inne ; 194 Antelope Inne ; 195 Dolphin Inne ; 197 Hartshorn Inne.

West Smithfield directory for 1832 and 1842

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

In 1664, a half penny token exists for the Antelope to a Thomas Hutton.


“ Upon the 11th Instant there was Printed, and Published a convenient way for Travellers to pass with a Messenger betwixt London and Holly-head weekly ; and to all other Towns, and Places upon Chester Rode, and to have change of Horses every day according to the purport of the said Printed Paper : and such as are desirous to travel That way, if they repayre to the Antilope in West-Smithfield, and the Post-houses at St. Albans, Brick-hill, Daventry, Coventry, Litchfield, Stone , Namptwich, or Chester ; or at several other Stages erected for that purpose, they may be furnish’d according to the Tenor of the said Paper, and have good Diet, and Lodging provided for them.”—The Lntelligencer, No. 12, November 16, 1663, p. 93 et al.

The ancients drank not only in honour of the gods but also in honour of their emperors, their friends, and their mistresses, and doubtless their favourite animals ; possibly the antelope among others. The Greeks, before drinking, saluted those of the party in some appropriate term indicative of the most friendly solicitude : " may you live long," " to your health, my companion," and other similar expressions. The Romans observed the like custom, and in their modes of salutation were in no way behind the Greeks ; their " Propino tibi salutem," " Bene te," and " Bene amicam," were among the most common. The early Christians drank healths in honour of the angels, the apostles, and the martyrs. The Scots, in less civilized times, presented to their bishops, at the time of nomination and election, the great cup of St. Magnus ; and when the aspirant for episcopal honours drank off the contents in one draught, the people were transported with joy, and clapped their hands in full assurance that his episcopate could not but be happy. The custom of pledging or drinking healths may be traced to the remotest ages.

The Morgans map of 1682 lists a reference in its key as - '194 Antelope Inne'. Looking at this map, it is just to the west side of West Smithfield. The Antelope is between Hosier lane and the George Inn.
Listed are : 170 Castle Inne ; 172 Ram Inne ; 173 Rose Inne ; 191 Kings head Inne ; 192 Grayhound Inne ; 193 George Inne ; 194 Antelope Inne ; 195 Dolphin Inne ; 197 Hartshorn Inne.

In 1708 : A New View of London by Edward Hatton lists Antelope Inn, on the West side of West Smithfield

The John Strype Survey of London in 1720 map lists in the key, '124 Antelope Inn' - Farringdon Without Ward.

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