White Hart, 45 Euston Road NW1

St Pancras index

The address of 45 Euston road, at the junction with Tonbridge street is not a public house in 1865.

There is another pub of this name listed at 6 Kings Cross, New Road (or sometimes 5 Kings Cross, also listed as Grays Inn Road) in 1856 and earlier, prior to street renaming. However, this is further to the east, past the intersection with Grays Inn Road (modern Pentonville Road), so it may have been rebuilt at this time in the new location. The 1858 directory shows this as 6 Kings cross, Pentonville road, late at 295 Pentonville road. A few years later this is all underneath the Metropolitan Railway station at the junction with Grays Inn road, and certainly demoloished by 1861. *

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

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Residents at this address.

1869/George Byatt/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory

1869/Charles Alex Evans, White Hart, 45 Euston Road/../../Post Office Directory

1871/Charles A Evans/Licensed Victualler/46/St Katherine/Census
1871/Louisa M Liddlelow/Barmaid/35/Paddington, Middlesex/Census
1871/Anna Bottomley/Barmaid/23/St Clements, Middlesex/Census
1871/Alfred F Thomas/Potman/23/Southwark, Surrey/Census

June 1872/Charles Alexander Evans/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

June 1872/Emily Hannah Nunce/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1881/William Hr George/Licensed Victualler/26/Pembroke/Census
1881/Julian Harvey/Head Barman/23/Romford, Essex/Census
1881/Mary Ann Holman/Barmaid/24/Sheerness, Kent/Census
1881/Jane Elizabeth Webb/Barmaid/25/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Marion Halsted/Barmaid/23/Brighton, Sussex/Census
1881/Jane Brown/Domestic Servant/30/London, Middlesex/Census

1882/William Henry George/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/William H George/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/John George Cathie/../../../Post Office Directory

1895/John George Cathie/../../../Post Office Directory *

1899/John George Cathie/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/William R Speight/Publican/37/London/Census
1901/Minnie G Speight/Wife/33/London/Census
1901/Florence M Clark/Barmaid/20/London/Census
1901/Minnie Hughes/Barmaid/26/Shropshire/Census
1901/Harriet Polle/Barmaid/22/Northam, Sussex/Census
1901/Emily E Goodenough/Barmaid/21/Winchester, Hampshire/Census
1901/Elizabeth A Crew/Cook/43/London/Census
1901/Harold Elvin/Barman/28/Lidgate, Norfolk/Census
1901/Charles Godden/Barman/23/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1901/William Rusher/Barman/25/Hensham, Oxfordshire/Census

* Provided By Ewan

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