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Old Eagle, 251 Royal College Street, Camden Town NW1 9LU

St Pancras index

In 1861 and earlier the address is at 14 College Street. The Veterinary College, which gave the street it's name, received it's Royal Charter in 1875 and some time after 1911 the street was renamed "Royal College Street". *

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Old Eagle, 251 Great College Street, Camden Town

Old Eagle, 251 Great College Street, Camden Town

Old Eagle, 251 Royal College Street, NW1 - in May 2007

Old Eagle, 251 Royal College Street, NW1 - in May 2007

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Old Eagle, 251 Royal College Street, NW1 - in 2017

Old Eagle, 251 Royal College Street, NW1 - in 2017

Kindly provided by John Carnaby

Residents at this address.

1856/Thomas Farr/../../../Post Office Directory

1861/James Ashley/Licensed Victualler/36/Clerkenwell, Middlesex/Census
1861/Sarah Ashley/Wife/38/Shoreditch, Middlesex/Census
1861/Jane Ashley/Daughter/12/Clerkenwell, Middlesex/Census
1861/Henry Ashley/Son/1/St Pancras, Middlesex/Census
1861/Sarah Ashley/Step Sister, Assistant/24/Clerkenwell, Middlesex/Census
1861/Emma Ashley/Step Sister, Assistant/20/Clerkenwell, Middlesex/Census
1861/William Cooper/Barman/19/Southwark, Surrey/Census
1861/Andrew Harris/Potman/21/Whittlebury, Northampton/Census

1869/James Ashley/../../../Post Office Directory

James Ashley is a retired publican by the 1871 census. His daughter, Jane Elizabeth Ashley, married my great grandfather William Morley Browne in 1874 and by 1881 they had taken over the pub. Their fourth child, my grandfather, Malcolm Thurston Browne was born (probably in the pub) in 1881, but not until July 9th, so he does not appear in the 1881 census. *+

1881/William M Brown/Licensed Victualler/38/St Pancras, Middlesex/Census
1881/Jane E Brown/Wife/31/Clerkenwell, Middlesex/Census
1881/Ada E Brown/Daughter/5/St Pancras, Middlesex/Census
1881/Mabel M Brown/Daughter/4/St Pancras, Middlesex/Census
1881/Herbert A Brown/Son/2/St Pancras, Middlesex/Census
1881/Sophia D H Kemp/Barmaid/20/Spalding, Kent/Census
1881/Harriett Brown/General Servant/19/Shoreditch, Middlesex/Census
1881/Elizabeth Bunker/Nursemaid/18/Westing, Bedford/Census

1882/William Morley Browne/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/William Browne/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Thomas Simmons/../../../Post Office Directory

1895/Thomas Simmons/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Horace Alfred Huntly/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Horace Huntley/Licensed Victualler/40/Essex/Census
1901/Eliza Huntley/Wife/36/Surrey/Census
1901/Horace Huntley/Son/13/London/Census
1901/Joseph Staines/Manager/30/Essex/Census
1901/Fred Wilde/Visitor/16/Wimbledon/Census
1901/Elizabeth Adamson/Barmaid/26/Yorkshire/Census
1901/Emma Scarlett/Barmaid/26/London/Census
1901/Sarah Ann Fenner/General Servant/33/Essex/Census

St. Pancras Chronicle, People's Advertiser, Sale and Exchange Gazette 27 July 1906
Old Eagle, 251 Great College street, Joseph J Beasley to Henry Scott

1910/Charles Frederick Lloyd/../../../Post Office Directory

1914/Mrs Lily Edmonds/../../../Post Office Directory **

1915/Mrs Lily Edmonds/../../../Post Office Directory

1934 - 1935/Bull/../../../Freehold

1936 - 1941/Howell/../../../Freehold

1906/Joseph James Beasley/../../../Post Office Directory *

1921/Mrs Daisie Pollock/../../../Post Office Directory *

1927/Edward Arthur Cant/../../../Post Office Directory *

1934/William A. Bull/../../../Post Office Directory *

1938/Ernest Howell/../../../Post Office Directory *

1940/Ernest Howell/../../../Post Office Directory *

1942 - 1945/Howell & Wife/../../../Freehold

1944/Ernest Howell/../../../Post Office Directory

1946 - 1957/E Howell/../../../Freehold

1958 - 1962/J Pheney/../../../Freehold

1963/D Hopper/../../../Freehold

1966/Guest House Trust, Old Eagle, 251 Royal College street  NW1/../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1971/D. Hopper/../../../BT Telephone Directory *

* Provided By Ewan

*+ Provided By Mike Ribeiro

** Provided By Stephen Harris

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