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Dog & Duck, 67 Tottenham Court road, St Pancras W1T

St Pancras index

Closed about 1827.

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

15 May 1794 /Records of Sun Fire Office Insured: Insured: John Balls, at the Dog and Duck in Tottenham Court Road, victualler / Held at the LMA

25 September 1800 /Records of Sun Fire Office Insured: Messrs Goodwyn, Skinner and Thornton, Lower East Smithfield, brewers ; Other property or occupiers: the Dog and Duck, Tottenham Court Road (victualler) / Held at the LMA

1811/Richard Wood, Dog and Duck, Tottenham Court road/../../Holdens Directory

1827/John Daws, Dog & Duck, 67 Tottenham Court road/../../Pigots Directory

New Times (London) 11 October 1826/John Davies fined 10 shillings and costs for keeping his house open outside prohibited hours.

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