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Old Bell, 7 Little Friday street, St Mildred Bread Street EC4

St Mildred Bread Street pub history index

Little Friday Street becomes part of Cannon Street west by 1856

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in St Mildred, Bread Street parish, City of London.

Residents at this address.

1809/James Maclean, Bell Inn, Friday street/../../Holdens Directory

1839/Benj Boulter/../../../Pigots Directory

1841/Benj Boulter/../../../Post Office Directory

1841/Benjamin Boulter/Licensed Victualler/37/Middlesex/Census
1841/Eliza Boulter/../25/Middlesex/Census
1841/John Cocket/Male Servant/26/Middlesex/Census
1841/Sarah Doughty/Female Servant/21/Ireland/Census
1841/James Petty/Independant/26/../Census

1843/George Dell/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/Edward Taylor/../../../Kellys Directory

1851/Edward Taylor/Licensed Victualler/35/Eastbourne, Sussex/Census
1851/Elizabeth Taylor/Wife/41/Henstridge, Somerset/Census
1851/Ann Watson/Niece, Visitor/17/Kingston, Surrey/Census

1853/Edward Taylor/../../../Post Office Directory

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