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Cock Tavern, 3 & 4 St Martins court, Ludgate Hill, St Martin Ludgate EC4

St Martin Ludgate pub history index

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in St Martin Ludgate, City of London.

Residents at this address.

1825/Mr Hillyard, Cock, St Martins court, Ludgate hill/../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1825/Mr Molyneux/../../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1827/Joseph Molyneaux, Cock, St Martins court, Ludgate hill/../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1833-34/Joseph Molyneux, Cock, 3 St Martins court, Ludgate hill/../../Pigots Directory

1839/H N Ginder/../../../Pigots Directory

1843/Heneage Norton Ginder, Cock. 3 St. Martins court, Ludgate hill/../../Kellys Directory

1851/Heneage Norton Ginder/../../../Kellys Directory

1851/Heneage N Ginder/Licensed Victualler/73/Bath, Somerset/Census
1851/John Richardson/Son in Law, Licensed Victualler Assistant/44/St James, London/Census
1851/Charlotte Richardson/Daughter/33/St Leonards Shoreditch, Middlesex/Census
1851/Henry Lipscomb/Household Servant/15/Marylebone, Middlesex/Census

1856/Charles Holloway/../../../Post Office Directory

Morning Advertiser 23 February 1857 - transfer of the license:
Cock Tavern, St Martins court, Ludgate hill, Charles Holloway to William Meller

Era 15 December 1867 - License transfers
Cock, St Martins court, Evan James Davis to Thomas Samuel Smith

1869/John Samuel Smith/../../../Post Office Directory

1881/George Gabb/Licensed Victualler/34/Southwark, Surrey/Census
1881/Caroline M Gabb/Wife/32/Maidstone, Kent/Census
1881/Fred Gabb/Son/3/London City, Middlesex/Census
1881/Albert Gabb/Son/1/London City, Middlesex/Census
1881/Sidney M Gabb/Son/7 months/London City, Middlesex/Census
1881/Emily Ward/Head Barmaid/26/Harrow, Middlesex/Census
1881/Elizabeth J Fish/Barmaid/19/../Census
1881/Charlotte E Ashby/Barmaid/21/N Kilworth, Leicester/Census
1881/Alice Comeley/Barmaid/18/Harrow, Middlesex/Census
1881/Elizabeth Ford/Cook, Widow/45/Pembroke, Wales/Census
1881/Elizabeth Rooney/Kitchenmaid/23/Ireland/Census
1881/Sarah Thompson/Scullerymaid/19/Southwark, Middlesex/Census
1881/Eliza Holt/Housemaid/25/Yarmouth, Norfolk/Census
1881/Annie Smith/Nursemaid/22/St Pancras, Middlesex/Census

1884/George Gabb/../../../Post Office Directory

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