Founders Arms, 1 Founders court, St Margaret Lothbury EC2

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in St Margaret Lothbury, City of London.

St Margaret Lothbury index

Residents at this address.

1833-34/John Baker Brize, Founders Arms, 1 Founders Hall Court/../../Pigots Directory

1839/John Edwards/../../../Pigots Directory

1842/John Edwards/../../../Robsons Directory

1843/Thomas Gummer/../../../Post Office Directory

1848/Thomas Gummer/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/Thomas Gummer/../../../Kellys Directory

1851/Thomas Gummer/Tavern Keeper/42/London/Census
1851/Elizabeth C Gummer/Wife/39/London/Census
1851/Elizabeth Denham/Barmaid/20/Sussex/Census
1851/Ann Louisa Draper/Cook/40/Wiltshire/Census
1851/Mary Ann Dyer/Houseaid/27/Hertfordshire/Census
1851/Charles Pritchard/Porter/19/Middlesex/Census

Thomas Gummer is at the Star, 10 Goldington street, St Pancras by 1856

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