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Robin Hood & Little John, 33 Tabernacle walk, St Luke Ec2

St Luke pub history index

Residents at this address.

1793/Thomas Edge / Victualler /../../Sun Fire Office records, held at Guildhall Library **

1827/Benj Poole, Robin Hood & Little John, Tabernacle walk/../../Pigot's Directory

1829/George Keen, Robin Hood & Little John, 33 Tabernacle Walk, Finsbury/../../Pigots Directory

1833-34/George Keen, Robin Hood & Little John, 33 Tabernacle Walk, Finsbury/../../Pigots Directory

1842/J Morrow/../../../Robson’s Directory **

1851/John Morrow/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

March 1866/John Morrow/License renewal/../Clerkenwell News

1869/John Morrow/../../../Post Office Directory

1871/John Morrow/Licensed Victualler, Widow/70/London/Census
1871/John Morrow/Son, Licensed Victualler/40/London/Census
1871/Ann Morrow/Sons Wife/35/Enfield/Census
1871/Sarah Morrow/Grand Daughter/13/London/Census
1871/John Morrow/Grandson/12/London/Census
1871/William Morrow/Grandson/6/London/Census
1871/Henry Morrow/Grandson/1/LondonCensus

1872/J Morrow/../../../Brabner’s Hackney Directory **

1874/J Morrow/../../../H.D. Miles London & Suburban Licensed Victuallers' Directory **

1881/John Morrow/Licensed Victualler, Widow/80/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/John junr Morrow/Son, Assistants/50/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Ann Morrow/Wife/48/Enfield/Census
1881/William Morrow/Son, Assistants/18/London, Middlesex/Census

1882/John Morrow/../../../Post Office Directory

** Provided By Stephen Harris


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