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Merry Carpenters, 132 Old street, St Luke EC1

The address is 42 Old Street in 1856 and earlier, prior to street renumbering. * This pub is now demolished. **

St Luke pub history index

Residents at this address.

1805/William Roberts, the Merry Carpenter, Old street/../../Holdens Directory

1809/Phillip Martin / Victualler /../../Sun Fire Office records held at Guildhall Library **

1810/Phillip Martin / Victualler /../../Sun Fire Office records held at Guildhall Library **

1811/Philip Martin, the Merry Carpenter, 42 Old street/../../Holdens Directory

1812/Phillip & William Martin / Victuallers and Whitesmiths /../../Sun Fire Office records held at Guildhall Library **

1825/Mr Jones, Merry Carpenters, Old street road/../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1827/Robert Jones / Formerly Victualler, now Out-of-Business /../../London Gazette, 4 September 1827 **

1832/John Lawrence/../../../Robson’s Directory

1836/Luke Wootton/../../../Post Office Directory

1839/Luke Wootton/../../../Pigots Directory **

1841/Luke Wootton/../../../Post Office Directory

1842/L Wootten/../../../Robson’s Directory **

1844/Luke Wootton / Public House Keeper /../../Proceedings of the Old Bailey **

1844/Luke Wootton/../../../Thompsons Directory **

1851/Luke Wootton/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1856/L Wootton/../../../Post Office Directory

March 1866/William M Smith/License renewal/../Clerkenwell News

1867/William Menzies Smith / Public House Keeper /../../Proceedings of the Old Bailey **
1867/George Osborne / Barman /../../Proceedings of the Old Bailey

1869/William M Smith/../../../Post Office Directory

1871/David Frost/Licensed Victualler/31/Borley, Essex/Census
1871/Louisa Frost/Wife/31/Salisbury, Wiltshire/Census
1871/Mary Gloucester/Boarder, Nurse/67/Bethnal Green, Middlesex/Census
1871/Ada Louisa Smith/Barmaid/18/Shoreditch, Middlesex/Census

1876/Edward Noble/../../../Post Office Directory **

1881/Ed Nobel/Licensed Victualler/42/Mile End. Middlesex/Census
1881/Kate Nobel/Wife/41/Bedford/Census
1881/Casim Sabbellin/Visitor/23/Middlesex/Census
1881/Jno Porttoch/Barman/19/Middlesex/Census
1881/Mary Mumford/Domestic Servant/20/Middlesex/Census

1882/Edward Nobel/../../../Post Office Directory

1883/Charles Wm Emery/../../../Post Office Directory ***

1884/Samuel Murray/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Henry Jordan/../../../Post Office Directory

1895/Chas Ewins/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Charles Ewins/../../../Post Office Directory

1910/Louis Caplin/../../../Post Office Directory *

London Evening Standard 14 June 1911
Licensing Act 1904 Notice of principal meeting to discuss by the Compensation authority on 3rd July 1911
Merry Carpenters, 132 Old street, St Lukes, Full, Louis Caplin

Compensation awards under the 1910 Licensing Act awarded the following total awards to be divided amongst the persons interested in the houses, which have been referred for extinction on payment:

Merry Carpenters, Old Street EC £625

* Provided By Ewan

** Provided By Stephen Harris

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