Man Loaded with Mischielf

Sams Coffee House, 9 King Street, Dukes Place EC3

St James Dukes Place pub history index

The address is at 9 King Street, Aldgate in 1869; and at 9 St James place in the 1851 census. This is 9 King street in 1891 census. Sams cofee house (previously Josephs Coffee house), is closed by about 1892. It existed for at least one hundred years.

Sams Coffee House and the City Arms, King Street, Dukes Place ilustration by Simon Lewis

Sams Coffee House and the City Arms, King Street, Dukes Place ilustration by Simon Lewis

Illustrated by Simon Lewis

Kindly provided by Nick Saunders

Sams Coffee House, 9 King Street, Dukes Place in 1891

Sams Coffee House, 9 King Street, Dukes Place in 1891

Kindly provided by Nick Saunders

Mapping of St James place showing the City Arms and Sams coffee house

Mapping of St James place showing the City Arms and Sams coffee house

Kindly provided by Nick Saunders

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in St James Dukes Place parish, City of London.

Residents at this address

21 May 1791/Insured: David Soloman Aaron, Sams Coffee House, Dukes Place, coffeeman and victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at LMA

1792/David Solomon Aaron, Sams coffee house, Dukes place/../../Sun Fire Office records held at LMA

1811/Isaac Joseph, King Street, Dukes place/../../Land Tax Records

1815/28 August 1815/Insured: Isaac Joseph, Sams Coffee House King Street Dukes Place, coffee house keeper, and Robert Ladbroke, Esq - Other property or occupiers: 8 Paternoster Row Spitalfields (Lazarus and Cashmore chinamen)/../../Sun Fire Office records held at Guildhall Library **

1819/From the will of the Reverend John Greig (1771-1819): ***
I give and bequeath to my Cousin Henry Francis Wintle of Walworth Surry my two Freehold Messuages or Tenements known by the name of Sam’s Coffee House and small House adjoining in the parish of St James Duke’s Place London with the Hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging (which were bequeathed to me by his [and] my Aunt Mrs Elliott) to hold the same to the said Henry Francis Wintle his heirs and assigns for ever [...]
I declare this only written with my own hand to be and contain my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourth day of February in they year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and nineteen — John Greig (National Archives, Kew, PROB-11-1617-230)
[Rev John Greig had been curate of White Waltham in Berkshire before he retired to The Tything of Whistones, Claines parish, nr Worcester. He died and was buried there 4 Jun 1819.]

The new owner of Sam's Coffee House, Henry Francis Wintle (1774-1820), barely outlived his cousin. He died and was buried at Brighton, along with his 8 year old daughter Eliza Frances Wintle (1812-1820) who died the same day. ***

1829/I Joseph, Sams coffee house, King Street, Dukes place/../../Robsons Directory

1832/Isaac Joseph, King street, Aldgate/../../Robsons Directory

1834/Isaac Joseph, Sams coffee house, King Street, St James Dukes place/../../Electoral Register

1839/Isaac Joseph / Wine Merchant, Deceased / Died, on or about 20 November 1839/../../London Gazette, 23 June 1843 **

PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a cause Jacobs against Joseph, the creditors of Isaac Joseph, formerly of Sams Coffee-house, King-street, Duke's-place, London, Wine Merchant, and late of No. 4, Crosby-row, Walworth-road, in the county of Surrey, Gentleman, deceased (who died on or about the 20th day of November 1839), are forthwith to come in and prove their debts before the Honourable Sir George Rose, one of the Masters of the said Court, at his chambers, in Southampton-buildings, Chancery-lane, London, or in default thereof they will be excluded the benefit of the said Decree.

In 1838, there is a civil marriage recorded of Solomon Joseph to Jane Moses.

1839/Joseph Solomon/../../../Pigot's Directory *

1841/Solomon Joseph/Publican/31/Middlesex/Census
1841/Janie Joseph/../20/Middlesex/Census
1841/Isaac Joseph/../1/Middlesex/Census
1841/George Bartlett/../15/Middlesex/Census
1841/Eliza Evans/../20/Middlesex/Census
1841/Sarah Turner/../15/Middlesex/Census
1841/Flater Morris/Female Servant/30/Foreign/Census

Morning Herald (London) 11 December 1841
Sam's Coffee house, Dukes place, Aldgate, with the flourishing and unusually profitable trade, and early possession; also Lifehold and Leasehold Estates, Mitre street and Thames Ditton - By Mr Barnes, at the Auction Mart, on Tuesday, December 14, at Twelve, by Direction of the Executors of Mr Isaac Joseph, peremptorily.
The Lease of that celebrated Tavern, Public house and liquor shop, known s Sam's or Joseph's Coffee house, in whch an extensive trade is now carried on to very great profit, the house being steadiy frequented by a large number of men of business as an exchange, in addition to the general trade, together with three leasehold houses adjoining in King street.

1842/Joseph Solomon, wine vaults, King street, Aldgate/../../Robsons Directory

1843/Joseph Solomon, coffeehouse, 6 St. James's place, Aldgate/../../Kellys Directory

1851/Solomon Joseph/Licensed Victualler/42/St James Duke Place, London/Census
1851/Jane Joseph/Wife/30/St James Duke Place, London/Census
1851/Julia Joseph/Mother, Widow/80/Brighton, Sussex/Census
1851/Isaac Joseph/Son/11/St James Duke Place, London/Census
1851/Hyam Joseph/Son/7/St James Duke Place, London/Census
1851/Angel Joseph/Son/6/St James Duke Place, London/Census
1851/Anna Joseph/Daughter/4/St James Duke Place, London/Census
1851/Alexandra Joseph/Son/6 months/St James Duke Place, London/Census
1851/Hannah Joseph/Sister/30/St James Duke Place, London/Census
1851/Maria Edwards/Visitor/17/Aldgate, London/Census
1851/Mary Mears/General Servant/20/East Smithfield, Middlesex/Census
1851/Catherine Sullivan/General Servant/25/Ireland/Census

1856/S Joseph, Sams Coffee House, 9 King Street, Aldgate/../../Post Office Directory

1861/Solomon Joseph/Victualler/52/St James Dukes place, London/Census
1861/Jane Joseph/Wife/40/St James Dukes place, London/Census
1861/Hyam Joseph/Son/17/St James Dukes place, London/Census
1861/Annie Joseph/Daughter/15/St James Dukes place, London/Census
1861/Alexander Joseph/Son/10/St James Dukes place, London/Census
1861/Julia Joseph/Daughter/6/St James Dukes place, London/Census
1861/Rachel Joseph/Daughter/5/St James Dukes place, London/Census
1861/Ann Straw/Nurse, Widow/58/Bermondsey, Surrey/Census
1861/George Fraser/Potman/24/Scotland/Census
1861/Emma Carter/Cook/26/Stratford, Essex/Census
1861/Ann Carter/Servant/23/Stratford, Essex/Census

1862/Solomon Joseph / Licensed Victualler/../../London Gazette, 31 October 1862 **

28th January 1865, Letters of Administration of the Personal Estate and Effects of Solomon Joseph late of "Sams" Coffee House St James's place Aldgate in the City of London Coffee house keeper deceased who died 14 November 1864 at "Sams" Coffee House aforesaid were granted at the Principal Registry to Jane Joseph of "Sams" Coffee House aforesaid Widow the Relict of the said Deceased she having first been sworn. Effects under £100.

[In the 1861 census, Lewis I Isaacs is at 8 King street, where he is married to Rachel. It appears he then marries Jane Joseph in 1866, and she transfers the license of Sams Coffee house to him, as being her new husband. She then outlives him until about 1890, when her daughter takes over for a couple of years prior to closure.]

London City Press 14 April 1866 - Transfer of Licenses
Sams Coffee house, St James, Dukes place, Jane Joseph to I Isaacs

1869/Israel Isaacs, Sams Coffee House, 9 King Street, Aldgate/../../Post Office Directory

9 King Street, Aldgate
1871/Israel Isaacs/Licensed Victualler/58/London City/Census
1871/Jane Isaacs/Wife/50/London City/Census
1871/Moses Isaacs/Son, Orange Dealer/27/London City/Census
1871/Julia Isaacs/Daughter/16/London City/Census
1871/Rachel Isaacs/Daughter/15/London City/Census
1871/Sarah Isaacs/Daughter/9/London City/Census
1871/Mr Ellis/Boarder, Widow/64/Whitechapel, Middlesex/Census
1871/Matilda Lousila/Servant/18/London City/Census

The Jewish Record, Friday, April 7 1871
Joseph's Celebrated Cordials
Israel Isaacs (Late Josephs), Sams Coffee House, St James Place, Aldgate Begs leave most respectfully to inform his friends the public in general that the best in the trade of Rum, Shrub and Cordials, Of every description, with Foreigh Wines for ensuing Passover, can be obtained on the lowest terms possible.
The following list of articles may be had, and all of the best quality, for which the establishment stands unrivalled for a century past:- Rum, Shrub, Raspberry, Ginger Cordial and Ginger Brandy, Hock, Anniseed, Cloves, Noyeau, Brandy, Kosher Wines, (Red and White), Claret, Sparkling Moselle, Vinegar, etc etc.
Please send early orders to ensure prompt delivery.
Observe the address as some orders werw wrongly directed last year:- I Isaacs (late Josephs), Sams Coffee House, 9 King street, Aldgate.

1873/Israel Isaacs/../../../Post Office Directory

1874/Israel Isaacs, Sams Coffee House, 8 King street, Aldgate, EC/../../Licensed Victualler & Hotelier Directory

1881/Jane Isaacs/Licensed Victualler, Widow/61/Middlesex/Census
1881/Sarah Joseph/Daughter/19/Middlesex/Census
1881/Hannah Ellis/Visitor, Widow/73/Middlesex/Census
1881/Annie Hodgson/General Servant, Widow/25/Middlesex/Census
1881/Bella Lyons/General Servant/20/Middlesex/Census
1881/Joseph Button/Potman/26/Middlesex/Census
1881/Rebecca Root/General Servant/20/Middlesex/Census

1882/Mrs Jane Isaacs/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/Jane Isaacs, Sams Coffee House, 9 King Street, Aldgate EC/../../Post Office Directory

6th March 1890/The Will with a Codicil of Jane Isaacs late of 9 King street St James' place Aldgate in the City of London Widow who died 18 February 1890 at 9 King street was proved at the Principal Registry by Sarah Hyman (wife of John Hyman) of 9 King street the Daughter the sole executrix. Personal Estate £345.

1891/Mrs Sarah Hyman/../../../Post Office Directory

9 Dukes place
1891/John Hyman/Glass Merchant/39/London, Middlesex/Census
1891/Sarah Hyman/Wife, Licensed Victualler/29/London, Middlesex/Census
1891/Morrice Hyman/Son/1/London, Middlesex/Census
1891/Joseph Mitchell/Potman/24/London, Middlesex/Census
1891/Florrie Rivers/Servant/19/Essex/Census

Morning Post 26 October 1892
Improvements of the City, - The Commission of Sewers, meeting yesterday at the Guildhall, under the presidency of Alderman Treloar, decided to acquire the leasehold interest in Sam's Coffee House, King street, Aldgate for the sum of £700. A long report was submitted by the Improvements Committee relative to the improvement from Middlesex street to Bishopsgate, about to be carried out in conjunction with the London County Council.
Notice was ordered to be served to acquire a large number of properties in Bishopsgate street Without, Swedeland court, Widgate street, Sandy's street, Catherine Wheel alley, and White Rose court. The number of houses scheduled amounted to 50. It was decided to pay the purchase money (£150) for land for the widening of Leadenhall street. Notice was ordered to be served to take portions of the sites of four houses adjoining the Wool Exchange on the east side of Basinghall street for the purpose of widening that thoroughfare.

* Provided By Ewan

** Provided By Stephen Harris

*** Provided By Jacky Rodger

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