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Green Dragon, 86 Bishopsgate street Within, St Ethelburga EC2N

St Ethelburga Index

Shoe Lane and Holborn Bridge in 1682 Morgans Map records 713 Bull Inne ; 714 Green dragon Inne ; 715 Four Swan Inne and 721 Vine Inne.

Bishopsgate street in 1682 Morgans Map records 713 Bull Inne ; 714 Green dragon Inne ; 715 Four Swan Inne and 721 Vine Inne.

Long demolished, this pub's site was occupied by an office block with a bar at no. 86 called the City House. This was in turn demolished in 2011 to make way for the 100 Bishopsgate office development. *

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in St Ethelburga parish, City of London.

Residents at this address

The Morgans map of 1682 lists a reference in its key as - '714 Green dragon Inne' in Bishopsgate street.

The Rocques map of 1746 clearly marks the Green dragon Inn, Bishopsgate street.

The Rocques map of 1799 clearly marks the Green dragon Inn, at 86 Bishopsgate street.

1805/Thomas Glover, Green Dragon, Bishopsgate within/../../Holdens Directory

1811/Thomas Glover, Green Dragon, Bishopsgate within/../../Holdens Directory

1829/W Woods, Green Dragon tavern, 84 Bishopsgate within/../Robsons Directory

1832/William Woods, Green Dragon Inn, 86 Bishopsgate within/../Robsons Directory

1836/Jno Godfrey, Green Dragon Inn, 86 Bishopsgate within/../Pigots Directory

1839/John Godfrey/../../../Pigots Directory

1841/John Halsey/Tavern Keeper/40/Middlesex/Census
1841/Lucy Halsey/../25/../Census
1841/Nathaniel Morritt/Male Servant/25/Middlesex/Census
1841/William Whale/Male Servant/20/../Census
1841/William Bird/Male Servant/25/Middlesex/Census
1841/Henry Fisher/Male Servant/20/../Census
1841/James Dawson/Male Servant/15/Middlesex/Census

1843/John Gosling Halsey/../../../Post Office Directory

1846/S Moreton, Green Dragon Tap, 86 Bishopsgate within/../../Post Office Directory

1846/Samuel Moreton, Green Dragon Tap, 86 Bishopsgate within/../../Post Office Directory

1851/John G Halsey/../../../Kellys Directory

1851/John G Halsey/Tavern Keeper/53/St Kath Cree, London/Census
1851/Lucy H Halsey/Wife/38/Kelvedon, Essex/Census
1851/John Halsey/Son/10/Aldgate, London/Census
1851/Harriett Halsey/Daughter/6/St Ethelburgha, London/Census
1851/Louisa Lily/Barmaid/39/Chertsey, Surrey/Census
1851/Susan Cushion/House Servant/47/Shiptham, Norfolk/Census
1851/Mary Smith/House Servant/24/Thwait, Suffolk/Census
1851/Mary Statham/House Servant/29/Staffordshire/Census
1851/Charlotte Johnson/House Servant/26/Stratford, Essex/Census
1851/Ann Perry/House Servant/29/../Census
1851/Charlotte Niker/House Servant/19/Somers Town, London/Census
1851/Charlotte Stone/House Servant/34/Woolwich/Census
1851/George Saunders/Waiter/26/Morden, Surrey/Census
1851/John Saunders/Waiter/23/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1851/Charles Ward/Waiter/28/Covent Garden, London/Census
1851/Reuben Brace/Porter/30/Finsbury/Census
1851/George Cutler/Porter/26/Mortlake, Surrey/Census
1851/Robert Jeskell/Ostler/33/Newbury, Berkshire/Census
1851/Charles Hilyer/Servant/25/Ashmansworth, Berkshire/Census
1851/James Turton/Servant/60/Newbury, Berkshire/Census
1851/Samuel Adams/Visitor, Farmer/30/Great Waltham, Essex/Census
1851/Thomas Bothervale/Visitor, Commercial Traveller/25/Livermere, Suffolk/Census
1851/Jacob Lowe/Visitor, Gentleman/47/UK/Census
1851/William Etheridge/Visitor, Company Services/40/UK/Census

1861/Elizabeth Davies/Barmaid/32/London, Middlesex/Census
1861/Harriett Bolsoyle/Barmaid/21/Forde, Shrewsbury/Census
1861/Matilda Sadd/Chambermaid/27/Bradford, Wiltshire/Census
1861/Kate White/Chambermaid/25/Pewsey, Wiltshire/Census
1861/Mary Almond/Chambermaid/31/Rudgeon, Buckinghamshire/Census
1861/Susan Jane Lumley/Housemaid/22/Ipswich, Suffolk/Census
1861/Jane Drew/Still Room maid/20/Rhouding, Wiltshire/Census
1861/Louisa Bentley/Kitchenmaid/25/Hertfordshire/Census
1861/Alicia Dennis/Scullery Maid/20/London, Middlesex/Census
1861/Henry Mahoney/Waiter/22/London, Middlesex/Census
1861/John Goodfellow/Waiter/16/London, Middlesex/Census
1861/Walter Milles/Waiter/22/Kingston on Thames/Census
1861/Robert Jeckale/Night Porter/45/Holt, Norfolk/Census
1861/Sophia Docking/Barmaid/16/London, Middlesex/Census
1861/Emma Docking/Barmaid/14/London, Middlesex/Census
1861/Samuel Howard/Ostler/31/Northamptonshire/Census
+ Visitors

London City Press 29 October 1864 :
Green Dragon, Bishopsgate street within, Ellen Charlotte Bridger Richard Willims and William Henry Bridger, executors of William Bridger, late occupier, to Ellen Charlotte Bridger

London City Press 14 April 1866 - Transfer of Licenses
Green Dragon, Bishopsgate street Within, Ellen C Bridger to W H Bridger

1869/William Henry Bridger/../../../Post Office Directory

1871/Frederick Atkins/Visitor, Clerk/27/Reedhall, Norfolk/Census
1871/E R Speller/Visitor, Clerk/35/Takeley, Essex/Census
1871/_ Worm/Visitor, Gentleman/40/Germany/Census
1871/_ Worm/Visitor/35/Germany/Census
1871/J Cartie/Visitor, Factor/28/Warwick, Warwickshire/Census
1871/Alfred Hughes/Visitor, Railway Agent/54/Hackney, Middlesex/Census
1871/J C Hall/Visitor, Solicitor/31/Northampton, Northamptonshire/Census
1871/Alfred Lambert/Visitor, Widow/52/Croydon, Surrey/Census
1871/Thomas Lambert/Visitor/21/Ipswich, Suffolk/Census
1871/B Hopkins/Visitor, Draper/53/Uppingham/Census
1871/R Jackson/Visitor, Commercial Traveller/32/Coggleshall, Essex/Census
1871/E Davies/Book Keeper/42/London, Middlesex/Census
1871/J Hamlin/Assistant Book Keeper/28/Streatham, Surrey/Census
1871/E Varney/Needle Woman/22/Clapham, Surrey/Census
1871/Ann Hail/Domestic Servant/42/Cheddar, Cheshire/Census
1871/Ellen Eales/Domestic Servant/37/London, Middlesex/Census
1871/M A Allison/Domestic Servant/23/Norfolk/Census
1871/M Salleck/Domestic Servant/25/Devonshire/Census
1871/Wm Knowles/Domestic Servant/38/Runton, Norfolk/Census
1871/F Williams/Domestic Servant/32/Middlesex/Census
1871/Thos Walker/Domestic Servant/22/Stratford on Avon/Census
1871/R Dent/Visitor, Retired Military Officer/68/Aylsham, Norfolk/Census
1871/E Williams/Domestic Servant/21/London, Middlesex/Census
1871/Ellen Murden/Domestic Servant/28/Plumtree, Notts/Census
1871/Eliza Gray/Domestic Servant/24/London, Middlesex/Census
1871/E Wright/Domestic Servant/23/Langham, Suffolk/Census
1871/H Butcher/Domestic Servant/23/Sevenoaks, Kent/Census
1871/E Roberts/Domestic Servant/22/Wales/Census
1871/Eliza Shine/Domestic Servant/21/Ireland/Census

* Provided By Tris

** Provided By Stephen Harris

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