Man Loaded with Mischielf

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Harp, 13 Harp Lane, Great Tower street, Dunstan in East, EC3R

St Dunstan in the East pub history index

East side of Harp Lane. This pub is now demolished. **

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in  St Dunstan in East parish, City of London. The St Dunstan in East, City of London Public House Trade Directory uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Residents at this address

1811/William Packham, The Harp, Harp lane, Great Tower street/../../Holdens Directory

1829/W J Rumsey, Harp, 12 Harp lane, Tower street/../../Robsons Directory

1833-34/ John Terry, Harp, 13 Harp lane, Lower Thames street/../../Pigots Directory

1832/Richard Grant/victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1839/Richard Grant/../../../Pigot's Directory *

1841/Richard Grant/../../../Post Office Directory

1843/Richard Grant/../../../Kellys Directory

Morning Advertiser 20 September 1847 - Transfer of Licenses
Harp, Harp lane, Tower street, to Mary Eastgate, widow and administratrix of Thomas Eastgate, the late occupier

1848/Mrs Mary Eastgate/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/Mrs Mary Eastgate/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/Mary Eastgate/Licensed Victualler, Widow/59/Midhurst, Sussex/Census
1851/Harriet Eastgate/Daughter/23/St Georges Bloomsbury, Middlesex/Census
1851/Elizabeth Eastgate/Daughter/21/St Margaret Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1851/William Henry Eastgate/Son, Commercial Clerk/17/St Margaret Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1851/William Tapper/Visitor, Superintendant of Baths/55/Eastbourne, Sussex/Census
1851/Lucy Ann Lambert/Barmaid/18/Oxford Street, Middlesex/Census
1851/Ann dale/Cook/27/Bristol, Somerset/Census
1851/Elizabeth Roland/Kitchenmaid/17/../Census
1851/Henry Dawson/Waiter/22/Kent Road, Surrey/Census
1851/John Crawley/Pot Boy/12/Borough, Surrey/Census

1852/Mrs Harriet Eastgate/../../../Watkins Directory **

1856/Henry Grant/../../../Post Office Directory

1861/Henry Grant/Tavern Keeper/30/Stepney, Middlesex/Census
1861/Elizabeth Grant/Wife/31/Westminster/Census
1861/Harriet Eastgate/Sister in Law/33/Bloomsbury/Census
1861/Rebecca Eleanor Hanson/Barmaid/20/Finsbury/Census
1861/Kath A Hamilton/Kitchenmaid/27/Westminster/Census
1861/Emma E Andrews/Housemaid/21/Old Kent Road, Surrey/Census

In 1863, the first Thames Barge match was organised by Henry Dodd, the Golden Dustman of City Wharf, Hoxton. Entries were to be sent to the proprietor of the Harp, 13 Harp Lane, i.e. here. For more information visit the history of 'The Thames Barge Match' ***

1866/Henry Grant/../../../P.O. Directory **

1869/Henry Grant/../../../Post Office Directory *

1871/Henry Grant/Licensed Victualler/40/Stepney/Census
1871/Harriett Grant/Wife/43/St Georges Bloomsbury/Census
1871/Bessie Grant/Daughter/4/St Dunstans in the East/Census
1871/Louisa Grant/Daughter/1/St Dunstans in the East/Census
1871/Caroline Farr/Barmaid/25/Gravesend, Kent/Census
1871/Fanny Baker/Nurse/31/Peckham/Census
1871/Sarah Ann Crellie/Under Nurse/17/East India Road, Poplar/Census
1871/Margaret Jardine/Housemaid/25/Wapping/Census
1871/Catherine Henrietta Smith/Kitchenmaid/20/Theobalds Row, Holborn/Census

1882/Henry Grant/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/Henry Grant/../../../Post Office Directory

1885/Mrs Harriet Grant/../../../P.O. Directory **

1891/John Macbeth/../../../Post Office Directory

1895/Joseph Dew/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/John David Hooper/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Chas W Johns/Manager Hotel/45/Ashlendon, Devon/Census
1901/Winifred Johns/Manageress Hotel/25/Exeter, Devon/Census
1901/Maud Milton/Sister in Law, Barmaid/27/Exeter, Devon/Census
1901/Ann Goulty/Barmaid/21/Bermondsey, London/Census
1901/Caroline Riches/Cook, widow/50/Chichester, Sussex/Census
1901/Ellen Talbot/Housemaid/30/Chelsea, London/Census

1910/Herbert Nelthorpe/../../../Post Office Directory

1911/Thomas Howard/Publican/30/Bermondsey, Surrey/Census
1911/Ethel Howard/Wife/24/Surrey/Census
1911/Ethel Howard/Daughter/Under 7 months/Surrey/Census
1911/Thomas Hart/Assistant, Widow/55/Yeldham, Essex/Census
1911/Edith Hart/Assistant/22/Bermondsey, Surrey/Census
1911/Grace Swindell/Assistant/22/Tonbridge Wells, Kent/Census

1915/Reliance Catering Catering Co Ltd/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/Reliance Catering Catering Co Ltd/../../../Post Office Directory

* Provided By Ewan

** Provided By Stephen Harris

*** Provided By Mike Wignall

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