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Ipswich Arms, 4 Cullum street, St Dionis Backchurch EC3

St Dionis Backchurch pub index

The Ipswich Arms is mentioned as a coaching inn which leaves every Thursday morning for Chelmsford in 1791. At 23 Cullum Street by 1910.

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in St Dionis Backchurch parish, City of London.

Residents at this address

1804/Thomas Hargrave/victualler/../../Documents held at the Hackney Archives Department *

1805/Thomas Hargrave, Ipswich Arms, 4 Cullum street, Fenchurch street/../../Holdens Directory

1806/Mr Hargrave, Ipswich Arms, Cullum street, Fenchurch street/../../London Brewery 1806 customer for supplying the public with genuine malt liquor

1811/Thomas Hargrave, Ipswich Arms Inn, Cullum street/../../Holdens Directory

1823/James Bishop/victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1827/Jno Brockley, Ipswich Arms Inn, 4 Cullum street, Fenchurch street/../../Pigots Directory

1839/John Symonds/../../../Pigots Directory

1841/John Symonds/../../../Post Office Directory *

February 1847/George Linford/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

February 1847/William Stockley Matthews/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

Morning Advertiser 20 September 1847 - Transfer of Licenses
Ipswich Arms, Cullum street, William Stockley Matthews to George Jobson

1848/William S Matthews/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/Edward Howell/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/Edward Howell/Licensed Victualler/33/Wolverhampton, Staffordshire/Census
1851/Ann Howell/Wife/31/Brecon, Wales/Census
1851/Mary Clouton/Servant/21/Stebbing, essex/Census
1851/Thomas Delnott/Lodger, Servant/38/Staple, Kent/Census
1851/Jane Delnott/Lodger/45/Ash, Kent/Census
1851/Henry Delnott/Lodger/12/Wingham, Kent/Census

* Provided By Ewan

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