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Bear & Ragged Staff, 71 West Smithfield, St Bartholomew EC1A

St Bart pub history index

The Bear & Ragged Staff is clearly marked as an inn on the 1747 John Rocques plan of London, and exists until about 1836

The Bear & Ragged Staff is clearly marked as an inn on the 1747 John Rocques plan of London, and exists until about 1836

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Saint Bartholomew,  Central London.

Residents at this address

1805/Sarah King, Bear & Ragged Staff, 71 West Smithfield/../../Holdens Directory

1829/G Pettinger, Bear & Ragged Staff, 71 West Smithfield/../../Robson's Directory

1832/George Pottinger, Bear & Ragged Staff, 71 West Smithfield/../../Robson's Directory

1833-34/George Pettinger, Bear & Ragged Staff, 71 West Smithfield/../../Pigots Directory

1836/Joseph Powell, Bear and Staff Inn, 71 West Smithfield/../../Pigots directory

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  • And Last updated on: Thursday, 25-Jan-2024 10:03:03 GMT