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Bricklayers Arms, 12 Earl Street, St Andrew by Wardrobe EC4

St Andrew by Wardrobe pub history index

This pub is now demolished.

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in St Andrew by Wardrobe parish, City of London.

Residents at this address.

1794/Henry Hart/../../../Proceedings of the Old Bailey **

1811/George Watts, Bricklayers Arms, Earl street, Blackfriars/../../Holdens Directory

1827/Jno Smith, Bricklayers Arms, Earl street, Blackfriars/../../Pigots Directory

1832/Robert Scott/../../../Robsons Directory

1839/Robert Scott/../../../Pigots Directory **

1841/Robert Scott/../../../Post Office Directory

1841/Robert Scott/Victualler/30/Middlesex/Census
1841/John Scott/Independant/25/Middlesex/Census
1841/Euphoria Scott/Independant/60/Scotland/Census
1841/Ann Scott/Independant/40/Middlesex/Census
1841/Elizabeth Scott/Independant/33/Middlesex/Census

1842/Robert Scott/../../../Robsons Directory **

1848/Robert Scott/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/George Kinchenton/../../../Kellys Directory

1851/George Kinchenton/Publican/41/Southampton/Census
1851/Sarah Kinchenton/Wife/45/Bedfordshire/Census
1851/Emma Lee/Niece, Servant/16/Southampton/Census
1851/Mary Styles/Niece, Needlewoman/26/Hoxton/Census
1851/Mary Faity/Servant/27/Solway, Ireland/Census
1851/David Parrott/Servant/30/Middlesex/Census
1851/George Wicks/Lodger, Labourer/26/St Albans/Census
1851/George Elliot/Lodger, Labourer/45/British/Census

1856/Geo Kinchenton/../../../Post Office Directory

1861/George Kinchenton/Licensed Victualler/51/Hampshire/Census
1861/Sarah Kinchenton/Wife/60/Bedforfdshire/Census
1861/Caroline Murray/Niece, Barmaid/16/Stepney, Middlesex/Census
1861/Eliza Williams/General Servant/38/Monmouth/Census
1861/Charles Trinter/Pot Man/40/Stockwell, Surrey/Census

1862/Geo Kinchenton/../../../Post Office Directory

October 1861/George Kincheaton/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

October 1861/George Burcham/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1864/G Simmons/../../../Post Office Directory

1867/Mrs Anne Simmons, Bricklayers Arms, Earl street, Blackfriars/../../Licensed Victuallers Association

** Provided By Stephen Harris

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