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Crown and Cushion, Wheeler street, Spitalfields

Spitalfields index

The Crown and Cushion is near to the Ship, and at about 26 Wheeler street.

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Spitalfield, London.

Residents at this address.

Lodge of Prosperity Freemasons membership initiated August 25th 1823, Joseph Workman, aged 35, Victualler, Wheeler street, Spitalfields, 1823 to 1825

1825/Mr Joseph Workmam, Crown and Cushion, Wheeler street, Bethnal green/../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1836/W Moffatt, Crown and Cushion, Wheeler street, Spitalfields/../../../Pigots Directory

1839/John Hill, Crown and Cushion, Wheeler street/../../../Pigots Directory

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