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Black Swan, 39 Wentworth Street, Spitalfields E1

Spitalfields index

The street numbering is in the 1827 and 1839 Pigots directories. Rose Lane ran north from Wentworth street to Fashion street (and now called Toynbee street) but Wentworth street has been renumbered in modern times.

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Spitalfields, London.

Residents at this address

1806/Mr Matthews, Black Swan, Rose lane, Spitalfields/../../London Brewery 1806 customer for supplying the public with genuine malt liquor

1827/Henry Moller, Black Swan, 39 Wentworth street, Whitechapel/../../Pigots Directory

1829/Henry Moller, Black Swan, Wentworth street, Whitechapel/../../Robsons Directory

1832/Henry Moller/../../../Robsons Directory

1836/Benjamin Boycott, Black Swan, 39 Wentworth street/../../Pigots Directory

1839/Benjamin Bycott/../../../Pigots Directory

1841/Benjamin Baycutt/Victualler/46/../Census
1841/Frances Baycutt/../40/../Census
1841/Ann Newell/../7/Middlesex/Census
1841/Margaret Miller/Female Servant/17/../Census

1842/B Baycott/../../../Robson’s Directory **

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