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Bridge House Hotel, 4 Borough High street, Southwark St Saviour, London

Southwark St Saviour pub history index

The address is as 2 Wellington Street in 1869 (or 1 Wellington Street in 1856), prior to street renaming. **

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Southwark St Saviour, Surrey, London.

Residents at this address.

On 25th August 1836 is the marriage of Joseph Softlaw and Caroline Tuck Wood at St Saviour, Southwark.

Surrey & Middlesex Standard 01 October 1836
Messrs Strachan and Softlaw, Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, return thanks to the Gentlemen connected with the Hop Trade, for the very liberal patronage they experienced during the late season; and trust, from the very superior degree of comfort and accommodation they are able to offer on a moderate scale of prices, to merit a continuance of their favour and season.
Spacious Coffee and Smoking Rooms.
Large and airy Bed Rooms.

Worcestershire Chronicle 18 November 1840
Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, (The Surrey side).
Joseph Softlaw, formerly of the London Coffee House, offers his sincere thanks to those Families and Gentlemen who have so kindly favoured him with their patronage ...

1841/Joseph Softlaw/../../../Post Office Directory *

At 1 Wellington street in 1841 census are :
Joseph Softlaw, Hotel Keeper, aged 30
Caroline Softlaw, aged 30, born in Surrey
Marian Wood Softlaw, aged 9 months, born in Surrey
William Luke, Independant, aged 45
John Hooper, Independant, aged 40
Mary Hooper, Independant, aged 25
James Cussan, Independant, aged 40, born in Ireland
Thomas Blun, Independant, aged 65, born in Ireland
Peter Hayward, Navy, aged 65
Henry Crowley, aged 40, born in Ireland
Thomas Lord, Merc hant, aged 50
Emma Hutch, Female servant, aged 20
Ellen Lambert, Female servant, aged 15
Ann Cooper, Female servant, aged 25
Lucy Smith, Female servant, aged 15
Mary Ann Alderson, Female servant, aged 15, born in Surrey
Elizabeth Henry, Female servant, aged 15, born in Surrey
Johannah Bower, Female servant, aged 25
Maria Fisher, Female servant, aged 14
Fanny Wells, Female servant, aged 20
Sarah Childs, Female servant, aged 20
John Goulez, Male servant, aged 40
Thomas Mackey, Male servant, aged 20
Sarah Woolnorth, Female servant, aged 25
Joseph Baily, Male servant, aged 20
Henry Wallington, Male servant, aged 20, born in Surrey
Charles Gardiner, Male servant, aged 20
Charles Jabaut, Male servant, aged 45

1842/J. Softlaw/[Bridgehoue Tap]/../../Robson's Directory *

1843, Joseph Softlaw, Bridge house hotel, Wellington street, London bridge/../../Kellys Directory

Joseph Softlaw advertises that he has taken the Adelaide Hotel, 7 Adelaide Pace, London Bridge in 1844, but is a bankrupt by 1847. In 1860, he is managing a new hotel in Wicklow, called the Wicklow Railway and Marine Hotel.

Dover Chronicle 17 October 1846
Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, The Surrey side.
Thomas Houghton Burrell respectfully informs the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and his friends generally, that he has taken the above Hotel, which having undergone complete and extensive embellishmnet, is now fit for their immediate reception.
Its airy and salubrious situation, commanding an uninterrupted view of the Thames, renders it very cheerful, whilst its proximity to the Termini of the Dover, Folkestone, Brighton, Croydon, and Greenwich Railways makes it, to foreigners and tourists especially, the most convenient in the Metropolis.

1848/Mrs Rebecca Downing/[Bridge Hotel Tap]/../../Post Office Directory *

In 1851, the Royal Jubilee Lodge, named in 1813, meets at the Bridge House Hotel, London bridge, Southwark, London

In 1855, Lodge of Tranquility, named in 1816, meets at the Bridge House Hotel, London bridge, Southwark, London

In 1855, the Lion and Lamb Lodge, named in 1816, also meets at the Bridge House Hotel, London bridge, Southwark, London

1856/Thomas H. Burrell/../../../Post Office Directory *

Sainsbury's Weekly Register and Advertising Journal 30 September 1859 is circulated at the Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge

In 1862 and 1867, the Mount Lebanon Lodge, named in 1818, meets at the Bridge House Hotel, London bridge, Southwark, London

1869/Joseph Huntley Spencer/manager/../../Post Office Directory *

1874, J. J. Mason, Bridge House Hotel, Wellington street, London bridge, SE/../../../Hotelier Directory

1882/H. J. Roberts & W. J. Roberts/../../../Post Office Directory *

In 1885, the Vitruvian Lodge, named in 1823, meets at the Bridge House Hotel, London bridge, Southwark, London

1895/James Pearce/../../../Post Office Directory *

1899/Callingham & Co/../../../Post Office Directory

1910/Roland Humphery/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/Sir Jno Humphery/../../../Post Office Directory

* Provided By Ewan

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