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Angel, 80 Blackman Street SE1

Southwark St George Martyr index

Rocque's map of 1746 shows an "Angel Inn" very near the corner with Great Suffolk Street (called Dirty Lane on that map). In John Lockies index to the plan of London, the Angel Inn is described as the "Angel Inn, Blackman street, Borough, at 80, about seventeen doors on the Left from the Kings bench".  The Red Lion is a few doors away, then at 84 Blackman street *

Blackman street becomes an extension of Borough High street by 1891, and is renamed as such.

The Angel Inn, Blackman street, just north of Dirty lane - in 1746

The Angel Inn, Blackman street, just north of Dirty lane - in 1746

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Southwark St George Martyr, Surrey,  London. The Southwark St George Martyr, Surrey , London listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Residents at this address

1803 House of Commons : Sir Joseph Matches reported from the Committee, to whom the Petition of several of the Inhabitants of Blackman Street, Kent Street, Long Lane, Dirty Lane, and Gravel Lane, in the several Parishes of Saint George and Saint Saviour's Southwark, Newington, and Bermondsey, in the County of Surrey, was referred, That the Committee had examined the Matter of the said Petition; and had directed him to report the same, as it appeared to them, to the House; and he read the Report in his Place; and afterwards delivered it in at the Clerk's Table: Where the same was read; and is as followeth : viz. To prove the Allegations of the said Petition, Mr. Samuel Carter, being examined, said, That the Road leading from the South End of Gravel Lane, in the Parish of Saint Saviour, Southwark, through Dirty lane, into Blackman Street, is an ancient Road, but is in a very founderous and ruinous Condition, and from the extreme Narrowness thereof, particularly at the End next Blackman Street, very dangerous, there being scarcely Room for One Carriage to pass: That he has seen Two Persons killed there by Carriages: That the Parish hath laid out large Sums in Repairs of the said Lane; but, from the Want of a Drain and the Road being wider, it has been ineffe�tual: That a great Traffick is carried on through the said Gravel Lane and Dirty Lane, which will be much increased when the Passage over Black Friars Bridge shall be opened: That if Power was given to amend the said Road, and to widen that end of it next Blackman Street, by taking down the Angel Inn, it would be a great public Utility. Mr. Edward Cole, being examined, confirmed the above Evidence, and added, That the Passage at the End next Blackman Street is only Nine Feet Three Inches from House to House; and that, in his Opinion, the Expense of purchasing the Angel Inn, and widening the Road, will not amount to above �. 1200. Mr. Charles Johnson, being examined, said, That he hath lately obtained a Patent from the Crown for establishing a Skin Market on a vacant Piece of Ground near Dirty Lane, to which there is no Access from Blackman Street, but through the narrow Passage at the Angel Inn: That it would be a great Convenience to the many Traders who are expected to use the Market, if the said Passage was widened. Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the Committee, to whom the Bill for making One or more Road or Roads, from the South End of the Bridge cross the River Thames, from Black Friars, in the City of London, to the opposite Shore in the County of Surrey; and for making, widening, and improving, several Communications, between the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Town and Borough of Southwark; and for impowering the Trustees for carrying into Execution an Act, passed in the twenty-fourth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty, to make, open, and keep in Repair, and also to watch and light, certain Roads, necessary to open the Communication between Christ Church, near the said Bridge, and the Counties of Surrey, Kent, Sussex and Southampton; and to keep in Repair, watch, and light, a new Road from Christ Church to Westminster Bridge; is committed; That they have Power to make Provision in the said Bill, for widening and amending the Road from the South Find of Gravel lane, in the Parish of Saint Saviour, through, Dirty Lane, into Blackman Street in the Parish of Saint George, Southwark.

Sir Josoph Marebel reported from the Committee, to whom the Petition of several of the 11.habitants of the Vol. 3 I.

1809/Thomas Hicks, Angel Inn, 80 Blackman street, Southwark/../../Holdens Directory

John Lockie, a descriptive London Street Directory in 1810 describes - "Angel Inn, Blackman street, Borough, at 80, about seventeen doors on the Left from the Kings bench"

* Provided By Ewan

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