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The address is at 36 Wardour Street prior to 1878, in which year the street was renumbered. * Ship in Distress, Wardour street in 1852, 1869 and 1870 license transfers.
Soho index
A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Soho - in London.
Ship, 116 Wardour Street, Soho. - in April 2007
Kindly provided by Stephen Harris
Residents at this address.
Lodge of Morality, named in 1777 meets at the Ship, Wardour street, Soho, London in 1777
1811/John Freeman, Ship in Distress, Wardour street, Soho/../../Holdens Directory
1829/Edward Collins, Ship, 36 Wardour Street/../../Robsons Directory
1832/Edw Collis, Ship, 37 Wardour Street/../../Robsons Directory
1833-34/Edward Collis/../../../Pigots Directory
1839/Thomas Barker/../../../Pigots Directory
1841/Robert Poller/../../../Post Office Directory **
1842/Robert Potter/../../../Robsons Directory **
Era 13 June 1847
Ship in Distress, Wardour street, Frederick Ambrose to Eld Mootham
1848/John Hogan/../../../Post Office Directory *
June 1852/Nicholas Butler/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper
June1852/William Cragg/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper
1856/Edmund James Dwyer/../../../Post Office Directory
July 1864/Charles Devereux Huggett/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era
July 1864/William Crowley/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
1869/James Atkins/../../../Post Office Directory
April 1869/Mr Atkins left premises/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era
April 1869/Richard Nunney/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
July 1869/Richard Nunney/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era
July 1869/John Willows/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
October 1869/late tenant quit/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era
October 1869/George Stone/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
January 1870/George Stone/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era
January 1870/Robert Smith/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
1871/Robert Smith/Licensed Victualler (The Ship), Widow/40/Taunton,
1871/Jane Smith/Niece, Housekeeper/20/Leyton, Essex/Census
1871/Richard Blundell/Potman/23/Chichester, Sussex/Census
1871/Claire Mahony/Servant/15/Ireland/Census
1875/William Henry Gedye/../../../Post Office Directory **
1879/Walter Capon/../../../Post Office Directory **
1880/Walter Capon/../../../Post Office Directory **
1881/Walter Capon/Licensed Victualler/27/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Mary A Capon/Wife/27/Hampton, Middlesex/Census
1881/Elizabeth Capon/Daughter/5/Kilburn, Middlesex/Census
1881/Sarah Byford/Servant/17/../Census
1881/William N Coward/Tailor/25/Liverpool, Lancashire/Census
1881/Robert Stewart/Tailor/23/Ireland/Census
1882/Walter Capon jun./../../../Post Office Directory
1884/Walter Capon/../../../Post Office Directory
1891/Thomas Tallack/../../../Post Office Directory
1895/Henry Cole/../../../Post Office Directory
1899/Robert Leigh/../../../Post Office Directory
1901/Eliza A Leigh/Public House Keeper, Widow/40/St Austell, Cornwall/Census
1901/Gertrude Bounsall/Niece, Barmaid/25/St Austell, Cornwall/Census
1901/Walter Letcher/Step Brother, Engine Fitter (Stationary)/52/St Austell,
1901/Mary G Richard/Visitor, Dressmaker/57/St Austell, Cornwall/Census
1901/Maud Gooden/Cook, Widow/38/Scotland/Census
1910/Mrs Eliza Ann Leigh/../../../Post Office Directory
1915/Mrs Elizabeth Hart/../../../Post Office Directory
1921/Arthur Joseph Matthews/../../../Post Office Directory
1934/Arthur Joseph Matthews/../../../Kellys Directory
1938/Arthur Joseph Matthews/../../../Post Office Directory
* Provided By Ewan
** Provided By Stephen Harris
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