Man Loaded with Mischielf

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Stags Head, 55 Orsman Road, Shoreditch N1

At 55 Orsman Road by 1938 altering from 55 Canal road.

Shoreditch index

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Shoreditch, East London.

Stag's Head, 55 Orsman Road, N1 - in May 2007

Stag's Head, 55 Orsman Road, N1 - in May 2007

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

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Residents at this address

1827/James King, Stags Head, Canal road, Hoxton/../../Pigots Directory

1827/John Woollven/../../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1839/William Brand/../../../Pigot's Directory *

1842/William Brand/../../../Robsons Directory

1848/William Brand/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/John Welch/../../../Kellys Directory

1856/Chas Welch/../../../Post Office Directory

1869/Mrs E Welch/../../../Post Office Directory

1874/Eliza Welch/../../../LV Directory

1881/Eliza Welch/Licensed Victualler/46/Shoreditch, Middlesex/Census
1881/Eliza Baldey/Niece, Barmaid/19/Shoreditch, Middlesex/Census
1881/Frances Baldey/Niece/8/Shoreditch, Middlesex/Census
1881/Charles Banister/Potman/16/Shoreditch, Middlesex/Census

1882/Mrs Eliza Welch/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/Eliza Welch/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Mrs Eliza Gower/../../../Post Office Directory

1895/Arthur Robert Neale/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Balthasar Scheerer/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Balthaves Scheerer/Licensed Victualler/38/Germany/Census *
1901/E. L. Scheerer/Wife/35/Stepney/Census
1901/E. R. L. Scheerer/Daughter/8/Whitechapel/Census
1901/R. L. Boon/Niece/10/Stepney/Census
1901/Joseph Collins/Boarder, Barman/35/Stepney/Census
1901/Caroline Stuart/Housemaid Domestic (Widow)/46/London/Census

1910/John Newport/../../../Post Office Directory

1911/John Newport/Publican/36/Frome, Somerset/Census
1911/Elizabeth/Wife/39/Soham, Cambridgeshire/Census
1911/William/Son/10/St Pancras/Census
1911/Elizabeth/Daughter/8/St Pancras/Census
1911/Alfred Keys/Barman/25/Bow/Census
1911/Emily Keen/Servant/48/Marlow, Buckinghamshire/Census

1915/John Newport/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/John Newport/../../../Post Office Directory

1934/Joseph Atkins/../../../Kellys Directory

1938/Albert John Atkins/../../../Post Office Directory

1944/Albert John Atkins/../../../Post Office Directory

A J Atkins, dies on November 11th, 1957 after nearly twenty two years as the licensee - Black Eagle Quarterly Journal ***

1957/Albert John Atkins/../../../Black Eagle Journal ***

* Provided By Ewan

*** Provided By Alex Wilkinson


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