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Lee Arms, 27 Marlborough Road, Shoreditch E8

Shoreditch index

The address is at 27 Marlborough Avenue by 1944, following street renaming. It is at 8 Cotton Row, Marlborough Road in the 1874 Directory, and listed as Lee Terrace, Marlborough Road in the 1856 Directory *

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Shoreditch, East London.

Residents at this address.

July 1851/Edmund W Cathie/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

July 1851/John Cathie/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

November 1852/John Cathie/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

November 1852/John Garrett/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

1856/John Garrett/../../../Post Office Directory

July 1861/John Garrett/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

July 1861/Thomas Proudfoot/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

March 1862/Thomas Proudfoot/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London Observer

March 1862/Daniel Chalker/Incoming Licensee/../../East London Observer

July 1865/Daniel Walker/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London Observer +

July 1865/Robert Jackson Towne/Incoming Licensee/../../East London Observer +

1866/R J Towne/../../../Post Office Directory

1869/R J Towne/../../../Post Office Directory

August 1873/Robert Jackson Towne/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London Observer

August 1873/Thomas Cracknell/Incoming Licensee/../../East London Observer

1874/Thomas Cracknell/../../../Post Office Directory *

19th August 1876/John Varney/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London Observer +

19th August 1876/John Webb/Incoming Licensee/../../East London Observer +

March 1877/John Webb/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London Observer

March 1877/Thomas Cannell/Incoming Licensee/../../East London Observer

1878/Thos Cannell/../../../Post Office Directory

August 1878/Thomas Cannell/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London Observer

August 1878/William Smith/Incoming Licensee/../../East London Observer

1881/William Smith/Licensed Victualler/65/Thorpe, Leicester/Census
1881/Emily E Smith/Wife/62/Marylebone, Middlesex/Census
1881/Alfred Henry Smith/Son/30/Marylebone, Middlesex/Census
1881/Frank Smith/Son/23/S Ditch, Middlesex/Census
1881/Charlotte Hayes/Domestic Servant/19/St Giles, Middlesex/Census

1884/Smith & sons/../../../Post Office Directory

1896/Philip Webb Rogers/../../../Kelly's Directory *

1899/Philip Webb Rogers/../../../Post Office Directory

1910/Thomas William Savage/../../../Post Office Directory

1911/Thomas W Savage/Licensed Victualler/61/London/Census
1911/Charlotte Savage/Wife/60/London/Census
1911/Louisa Mellish/Daughter/29/London/Census
1911/Sidney Mellish/Son in Law, Tailor/35/London/Census
1911/Dorothy Mellish/Grand Daughter/6/London/Census
1911/Lilian Mellish/Grand Daughter/3/London/Census
1911/Anna Cull/Domestic Servant/31/Southampton/Census
1911/George Swan/Barman/50/London/Census
1911/Catharine McCarthey/barmaid/25/London/Census
1911/Florrie Pealing/Nursemaid/26/London/Census

1915/Thomas William Savage/../../../Post Office Directory *

1921/Thomas William Savage/../../../Post Office Directory

In 1921 census at 27, Marlborough Road, Dalston, Shoreditch
Thomas William Savage, Licensed Victualler, aged 71 years 3 months, and born in Bethnal Green, London
Charlotte Amelia Savage, Wife, aged 71 years, and born in Bethnal Green, London
Sydney Arthur Mellish, Son-in-law, Merchant Master Tailor, 108 Broadway, aged 44 years 11 months, and born in Bethnal Green, London
Louie Alice Mellish, Daughter, aged 39 years 2 months, and born in Bethnal Green, London
Dorothy Louisa Mellish, Granddaughter, aged 15 years 11 months, and born in Bethnal Green, London
Lilian May Mellish, Granddaughter, aged 13 years 6 months, and born in Shoreditch, London
Florence Mellish, Maid, aged 34 years 4 months, and born in Bow, London
May Louise, Cousin, aged 35 years, and born in Stockfold, Bedfordshire

1934/Mrs Louisa Alice Stoker/../../../Post Office Directory

1944/Mrs Louisa Alice Stoker/../../../Post Office Directory

+ Provided by Friends of Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park

* Provided By Ewan

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