Man Loaded with Mischielf

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Royal Oak, 110 Union Road, Rotherhithe, Surrey

Rotherhithe index

The Royal Oak, 1 Paradise Row in the 1861 census and earlier; and at 39 Paradise row in 1851; and the 1853 license transfer suggests an address of Royal Oak, Deptford Lower road.

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address

1805, James Brockley, Royal Oak, Paradise row, Rotherhithe/../../Holdens Directory

1809/James Gray, Royal Oak, Deptford Lower road/../../Holdens Directory

1822/John Gray/Royal Oak, Lower road/../../Petty Sessions

1825/Mary Gray/Widow, Royal Oak, Lower road/../../Petty Sessions

1826/Mary Gray/Widow, Royal Oak, Lower road/../../Petty Sessions

1839/William Lowman/../../../Pigot's Directory *

1841/John James/../../../Post Office Directory *

1841/John James/Victualler/35/../Census
1841/Mary James/../40/../Census
1841/John James/../7/../Census
1841/Thomas James/../5/../Census
1841/William James/../3/../Census
1841/Mary Ann Elizabeth James/../11 months/Surrey/Census
1841/George Wood/Pot Boy/15/Surrey/Census
1841/Thomas Hudson/../12/Surrey/Census
1841/Charlotte Lewis/Female Servant/15/Surrey/Census
1841/Charlotte Nelson/Female Servant/15/Surrey/Census

1848/John James/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/Mrs Mary James/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/Mary James/Licensed Victualler, Widow/51/Pennymoor, Herefordshire/Census
1851/John James/Son, Wheelwright/17/Whitchurch, Herefordshire/Census
1851/Thomas James/Son, Clerk/15/Whitchurch, Herefordshire/Census
1851/William James/Son, Clerk/13/Whitchurch, Herefordshire/Census
1851/Louisa James/Daughter/9/Rotherhithe, Surrey/Census
1851/George Glazebrook/House Servant/25/Eltham, Kent/Census
1851/George Lowden/House Servant/26/Yarmouth, Norfolk/Census
1851/John Tull/House Servant/17/Rotherhithe, Surrey/Census
1851/Ellen Collins/House Servant/17/Rotherhithe, Surrey/Census
1851/Mary Collins/House Servant/16/Rotherhithe, Surrey/Census

September 1851/Mary James/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

September 1851/James Wrangham/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

June 1852/James Wrangham/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

June 1852/Maurice Harden Dale/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

November 1853/Maurice Harden Dale/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

November 1853/William Booth/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1856/William Booth/../../../Post Office Directory

1861/William Booth/Licensed Victualler/44/St John, Surrey/Census
1861/Eliza Booth/Wife/44/Bermondsey, Surrey/Census
1861/George Booth/Son/9/St Pancras, Middlesex/Census
1861/William A Booth/Son/5/Rotherhithe, Surrey/Census
1861/Emily Dyer/Barmaid/21/Rotherhithe, Surrey/Census
1861/Hannah Burns/General Servant/19/Ireland/Census
1861/William Keal/Pot Man/19/Wiltshire/Census

1869/Mrs Eliza Booth/../../../Post Office Directory *

1871/Eliza Booth/Licensed Victualler, Widow/53/Bermondsey, Surrey/Census
1871/George Booth/Son, Merchants Clerk/19/St Pancras, Middlesex/Census
1871/William A Booth/Son/15/Rotherhithe, Surrey/Census
1871/Ann Rose/Niece, Barmaid/18/Bermondsey, Surrey/Census
1871/Elizabeth Kenney/General Servant/19/Oakham, Rutland/Census
1871/William Pritchard/Pot Boy/16/Stratford le Bow, Essex/Census

1881/Thomas Joseph Kent/Licensed Victualler/28/Bermondsey/Census
1881/Mary Ann Kent/Wife/27/Bermondsey/Census
1881/Wm Thos Kent/Son/4/Bermondsey/Census
1881/Maude Miriam Kent/Daughter/5 months/Rotherhithe, Surrey/Census
1881/Willm Gillham/Barman/18/Newcross/Census
1881/Florence Obermuller/General Domestic/18/Rotherhithe, Surrey/Census
1881/Clara Hunt/Nursemaid/12/Rotherhithe, Surrey/Census

1882/Thomas Kent/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/Thomas Kent/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Joseph Daniels/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Joseph Daniels/Licensed Victualler/47/Hull, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Clara Daniels/Wife/45/Minories, London/Census
1891/Frederick Daniels/Brother, Manager/20/Mile End/Census
1891/Beatrice Daniels/Daughter, Barmaid/17/Mile End/Census
1891/John Daniels/Son/14/Mile End/Census
1891/Alfred Daniels/Son/7/Bow/Census
1891/Clara Daniels/Visitor/6/Bow/Census
1891/George Woodcock/Potman/21/Ramsgate, Kent/Census
1891/Elizabeth Smith/Domestic Servant/21/Rotherhithe, London/Census

1895/Wm Howell/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Henry Kason/../../../Post Office Directory

1910/Thomas Murphy/../../../Post Office Directory

I've recently found out my great grandfather (John McSweeney) was the publican/owner of the Royal Oak, Rotherhide up until about 1926 (his death); when his children sold the pub on. He was also the publican of the Shipwright Arms, for some time prior. Consequently he died a few years later, and his children (including my grandfather) sold the pub on. I still have his Day Book for the Shipwright Arms, although filled with personal / religious musings rather than any historical pub-related incidents !  ***

1915/John McSweeney/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/John McSweeney/../../../Post Office Directory

1923/John McSweeney/Royal Oak/../../Electoral Register
1923/Rosina Mary McSweeney/../../../Electoral Register

* Provided By Ewan

*** Provided By Damian Malone


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